Saturday, March 29

10 Stellar Women on How They Deal With Procrastination

Procrastination is a trap that many of us fall into. In fact, While it may be comforting to know that you’re not alone, it can be sobering to realize just how much it can

hold you back. We tasked 10 stellar women to share their strategies on how to deal with it.

What is the one thing you do to stop you from procrastinating and move towards your goals and dreams?

First of all, don’t put yourself down just because you want to procrastinate, everybody experiences it. It’s often a sign of a deeper-seated issue. In my case, it was fear of being judged by my relatives, people around me. Michaf Lesmiski

My new commitment to myself is to do a minimum of one thing a day that I’ve been procrastinating. Then celebrate getting it done. Part two of that is to schedule new things to do right away so they don’t get added to my procrastination list.  Carol B Larson

Remember your WHY. Envision your life a year, 5 years from now. Ask yourself: why if I’m not being productive and I’m not moving forward in my goals, still stuck in this comfortable zone? Sarah V Avena

Make a decision to act and commit to it. This instantly puts you on the vibration of your goal. Don’t be afraid that you’ll make the ‘wrong’ decision. If your decision doesn’t take you on the path to your goal, choose another one. You will have learned what not to do in the process. Heather Thorne

If you are procrastinating you are not connected with your goals and dreams. How much do you really want it? What will you do to achieve it? Do you have too many goals and feeling overwhelm- then simplify. I have 3-5 goals each year to focus on that links to my ultimate life. For each goal, write down 50 reasons why this goal is important and another 50 reasons on the impact to you/family if you don’t achieve it. Pauline Kirk

The 10-minute-challenge. When I need to stay productive, every time I get an urge to “take a break” or “eat lunch early” or anything that is a distraction to what I’m working on, I set the intention to hold off for 10 more minutes. If I check the time before that 10 minutes is up, I reset the 10 minutes. If when I check the time it has been at least 10 minutes, I give myself permission to take a break.

I used to be the WORST procrastinator…. like making a deal with someone on Tuesday to write 10,000 words of content by Saturday and starting at 10 pm on Friday 😂 now, I actually find myself having to use the 10 minute challenge for breaks instead of work. Ex, I can go back to work in 10 minutes but if I look at the clock before the 10 minutes is up I have to break for 10 more minutes. 😅  Life is a balancing act. Kacee Walker

I start writing everything in my calendar and  the things I did not complete on today goes on the top priority for tomorrow. Aurelia Re Craft

Remember the ultimate goal. It gets me through the tedium of some tasks. Victoria Simone

Be clear with your purpose and take action to achieve your dream. Cynthia Concordia

Do you know what’s holding you back? I believe when we connect with the love within, fear disappears as love and fear cannot coexist. Do you think your fear based on your lack of self belief?

Have empowering and exciting goals that are clear and NOT ambiguous – Ana – Maria Georgieva

Get up and do it – Emily Erickson

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