Friday, March 28

10 Yara Shahidi Quotes That Prove She’s A Stellar Woman

Yara Shahid is no ordinary 21-year-old. The actor, model and activist has filmed with Angelina Jolie, she considers Michelle Obama a friend – and Oprah believes she’s a future US president. She’s truly a stellar woman! Still have doubts, these 10 quotes from her will erase all of them.   “I don’t know everything. I know a fraction of what there is to know and I don’t think I will ever know everything, but it’s important to me to constantly challenge myself, to understanding different viewpoints, really understanding nuance in topics, so I can feel qualified in what I say, so I’m not preaching falsely of what I’m unaware of.”“There are two conflicting philosophies that I love: “Everything happens for a reason,” as well as “you can change everything that you have control over.””“What modelling taught me at a young age was how to say “no,” which is something girls – we’re not always good at saying “no.” We want to be nice, and then we forget to look out for ourselves. There have been moments when I was on a modelling job, and it was the most fantastic thing in the world. And there have been moments where I’ve realized, “Okay, I’m ten years old, and I’ve spent the past six hours outside in the rain.” It taught me how to be specific about what kinds of projects I wanted to do, and what kind of work I wanted to do.”Shahid attends the 2020 Golden Globes awards“I’m louder and bigger with my curls. There’s power in that. Also, straight hair is kind of annoying. It gets caught in my collar.”“My trouble with defining activism is that it tells you what it’s not and activism is everything. For me, it comes through art: being intentional with the roles I choose, backing projects…


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