Friday, March 28

A Very Merry Christmas from Christina Collison

Well, this year is very exciting because I got married on the 1st of September this year. So, basically this Christmas will be the very first Christmas that my husband and I will have together. I say together but we’ve actually been together for six years, but it will be our first Christmas being together as husband and wife which is very exciting. I do have a Christmas tradition. There’s something I like to do every year, which means a lot to me. I have a real passion for running, so this year, as is the case every Christmas, I’m planning to go out and run around the field opposite our house. I really enjoy running but I don’t get to do it as much as I’d like these days because life is busy and this year I’ve just bought myself a new pair of trainers. They are fantastic, very well cushioned. I am flat footed and I’m a bit of a plotter. I’m a bit heavy on my feet so I need a lot of cushioning so these trainers haven’t been worn yet. They literally came out of the box yesterday and I will be breaking them in between now and Christmas and I’ll be using them to run around the field. I’ll probably be fairly tired. It’ll probably be a slow or short run, or both because my husband, his name is Dave Collison—he’s a Roy Orbison tribute. Sorry about the shameless plug but you can look him up online if you’re into 60’s music— He’s a singer and he will be performing the night before so we will be getting home very late on Christmas Day, probably about 2:00 in the morning, so I will be very tired but I definitely wouldn’t miss this Christmas Day run…


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