Friday, March 28

A Very Merry Christmas from Theresa Russell

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. I am Theresa Russell and I’m a premenopause menopause coach and I just wanted to come on and say, this time of year is very special and what Christmas means to me. It means a time to reflect on everything that has happened in my life this year. And of course, towards the end of the year reflecting on the things I need to do for the next year. Christmas is sometimes a hard time for a lot of families. I lost my dad right before Christmas, and so the days leading up to Christmas there’s a couple of days in there that are a little bit more somber than most. Make sure that you are being aware that this is a fun time of year especially if you’ve got little kids. Oh my gosh I just love watching little kids. It’s also a sad time of year for a lot of families because they’ve lost family right during this time. They may be gone from this earth but they are here in our hearts and they live on through us, and so with that in mind I am a little bit more conscientious during Christmas to just take in every moment and not take it for granted and live in the moment and really love on our family and just take the time to connect, really connect and listen to people and not be in a hurry, and that’s kind of what I do. Just being grateful for the family I have here and just loving on them and it’s a way to connect. So, I wish your families a beautiful, wonderful Christmas and I hope everybody’s wishes come true. Mine is for continued good health because without…


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