Wednesday, March 26

Holiday 2023

A Very Merry Christmas from Theresa Russell
Holiday 2023, Mind & Body

A Very Merry Christmas from Theresa Russell

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. I am Theresa Russell and I’m a premenopause menopause coach and I just wanted to come on and say, this time of year is very special and what Christmas means to me. It means a time to reflect on everything that has happened in my life this year. And of course, towards the end of the year reflecting on the things I need to do for the next year. Christmas is sometimes a hard time for a lot of families. I lost my dad right before Christmas, and so the days leading up to Christmas there’s a couple of days in there that are a little bit more somber than most. Make sure that you are being aware that this is a fun time of year especially if you’ve got little kids. Oh my gosh I just love watching little kids. It’s also a sad time of year for a l...
A Very Merry Christmas from Divya Parekh
Holiday 2023

A Very Merry Christmas from Divya Parekh

Today we’re going to be talking about what are some of my favorite things to do around the Holiday season. So, first of all let me tell you, I love Holidays and it’s not because it brings us cheer and it gets us busy and it makes us spend time with our loved ones and it brings us joy and love into our lives. To me, the biggest component that I love to do around the holidays is gratitude, and finding my blessings, because especially around this time of the year, when it’s season for giving, season for creating impact, I love to count my blessings, and the things I’m grateful for and write down a gratitude list and make the New Year's resolutions that reflect the spirit of holiday throughout the year. So, one of my favorite things is right after Thanksgiving, the very next day, I put up the ...
The Emotional Spectrum of the Christmas Season – Nicky Hassaballa
Celebration, Holiday 2023

The Emotional Spectrum of the Christmas Season – Nicky Hassaballa

It felt almost instantaneous that as soon as the calendar read September 23, time transported us to the Holiday Season.  Sure, we all had our Halloween candy and our Thanksgiving turkey dinner, but the holiday most people are enthusiastic about is Christmas.  We are inundated by the optimal gifts, the sweets, the nostalgia of what Santa meant to us as children and the child-like wonder and anticipation for this seemingly magical experience wrapped in ribbon and tinsel.  The t.v. commercials and the radio songs stir up a whirlwind of giddiness, joy, laughter, family and friends, as if to force us into a cheerful mood and strip us of our freedom to choose our emotions, at least up until New Year’s Eve. Whenever this time of year comes around for me, I am reminded of my mother taking my...
Single Parent Solutions: How To Get More With Less When Christmas Shopping – Dr. Jillian Zambon
Holiday 2023, Mind & Body

Single Parent Solutions: How To Get More With Less When Christmas Shopping – Dr. Jillian Zambon

As a single parent, Christmas can be both financially and emotionally challenging. You want to make sure your child has a memorable holiday, but you also don't want to break the bank in the process. Here are some tips for getting more out of your Christmas shopping budget. 1. Set a budget and stick to it. It is best if you set aside a small amount of money throughout the year that is specific to your Christmas budget, but we know that doesn’t always happen! Figure out how much you have to spend towards Christmas and stay firm on your budget. 2. Shop online for the best deals. If you have a tight budget to stick to, shopping online can make it much easier to save, so you’re not being tempted by all the pretty, shiny things in the store. Finding coupon codes, shopping during fl...
8 Christmas Foods You Should Be Prepping Right Now
Celebration, Food, Holiday 2023

8 Christmas Foods You Should Be Prepping Right Now

Christmas dinner must be one of life’s most stressful meals to prepare. Starting the process a few months, weeks or even days in advance can certainly take the pressure off. Here are the Christmas foods you should be prepping right now. Gravy Christmas dinner just wouldn’t be Christmas dinner without a good gravy. A decent stock can be the saviour of dry turkey and soggy sprouts and it’s easy to freeze and reheat on the day Stuffing The beauty of preparing stuffing early, is that you can even freeze it directly in an oven dish and put it straight in the oven on Christmas day. To really save on time and space, cook the stuffing before freezing and all it will need is warming up. Roast potatoes Perhaps the most surprising entry on our list, it’s definitely po...