10 Stellar Woman on What Lifts Their Spirit
Have you lost your mojo? Do you have many things on your To-Do list but have no motivation to do any of them? Your spirits are low. We all get there. We quizzed 10 stellar women on what lifts their spirit. See what they had to offer.
Jen Young - Music & love
Amber Auger - Laughter & Jesus Christ
Patricia G Guerra (California) - The smile on my son's face
Sheila Putney (Lowa, USA) - Music & Nature
Yewande Bright (UK) - Listening to gospel music and knowing that the Lord is with me always.
Sumi Houston (New Mexico) - Music & Nature
Diana Gotcher - Gratitude, it works every time
Carine Linsen (Brussels) - Walking in nature
Vanessa Mazzi - Exercise, any sort of expressive arts such as music or creating some arts and craft...