Friday, March 28


Meet Amelia Boone, The Queen of Pain

Meet Amelia Boone, The Queen of Pain

Amelia Boone is an American obstacle racer. As one of the most accomplished obstacle course racing (OCR) athletes in the history of the sport, she has won both the Spartan Race World Championship (2013) and is the only three- time winner of the World's Toughest Mudder (2012, 2014 and 2015) and won the 2014 championships 8 weeks after knee surgery. She is also a three-time finisher of the Death Race and a full time attorney at Apple Inc. The world-champion obstacle course racer has had a 20-year history with anorexia. But she's now in the process of recovering, and she has some important lessons to share. She is famously quoted to say "I'm not the strongest. I'm not the fastest. But I'm really good at suffering." She however wishes she could take this quote back as she is contin...
How Samantha Kelly Became The ‘Twitter Goddess’

How Samantha Kelly Became The ‘Twitter Goddess’

Describe who you are in 140 characters…  There are 280 characters on twitter now so I cheated. I am a Twitter Expert and I am the Director of the Women’s Inspire Network (a global online network for Women who want to start a business or who want to learn more about online and make valuable connections). What's your backstory?  I am 13 years sober. I decided to get rid of alcohol as I felt it was holding me back and affecting others around me. I didn’t seem to have control once I took the first drink. Once I did that, my story began.  Ten years ago my daughter came to the awkward milestone of her first period so I went to the supermarket to see if there was some kind of beginners set or welcome to womanhood set I could give her to make the transition easier bu...
Ironman Jo D Livingston On Making Her Second Chance at Life Meaningful

Ironman Jo D Livingston On Making Her Second Chance at Life Meaningful

How would you describe Jo D Livingston?     I am a kind-hearted fiercely feminine woman. I am very girly, but I am strong and I stand up for what I love and believe in. What was your childhood like?  I grew up in Vermont, a very small town.  It was a great place to grow up. When we were kids we loved playing in the woods.  We created a whole “palace” from the rock formations. It was pretty magical. You got a second chance at life after getting a liver transplant. Tell us about this 'life changing' experience?  Having an organ transplant from a deceased donor is pretty overwhelming.  That someone chose to become an organ donor saved my life. In a family’s saddest moments, losing their loved one, they chose to honor this wish. It is...
“Don’t spend a month more than needed in a role that doesn’t make you happy” – Zara Cane on Her Career Lessons

“Don’t spend a month more than needed in a role that doesn’t make you happy” – Zara Cane on Her Career Lessons

Zara Cane is the Head of Marketing at Sony Pictures Entertainment Italia. The renowned marketer has had successful stints at Costa Coffee and Vodafone overseeing successful marketing campaigns. She tells Stellar Woman Magazine why you don't need to spend one more month in a role you don't enjoy doing. You have had such a rich career path. First starting off in customer experience with Levi Strauss & co. What was your first work experience like? What did you learn from it?  ​I had a lot of experience in retail, working for years in customer facing jobs in stores and the service industry. This experience was vital to my first few roles at head office level in marketing - learning how operations actually work, to be customer focussed, and what store teams need to do to...
Dr. Manna Hagos, The Eritrean-American Physician Who is Passionate About Transforming Lives

Dr. Manna Hagos, The Eritrean-American Physician Who is Passionate About Transforming Lives

Dr. Manna Hagos is a medical Doctor, author, health & wellness consultant and engaging speaker. But, as you'll learn from this chat with Stellar Woman Magazine, she's mostly about transforming lives. Who is Manna Hagos? A woman, a doctor, a leader, a mentor and friend Have you always wanted to become a physician? No, I was initially fascinated by oceanography, geology, and astronomy. I saw a human brain for the first time in elementary school as part of a ‘Science Discovery Day’ session; it was then when I realized that the human body was the most exciting and complex entity I could study. How do you start your day? Do you have a morning routine? The routine is flexible depending on what projects I’m working on. I start the day thanking God that I’m alive and wel...
Lisa Rueff On Living and Serving from The Heart

Lisa Rueff On Living and Serving from The Heart

Lisa Rueff is the CEO/Founder of YogaVentures, a humanitarian company that provides participants the opportunity to embark on meaningful yoga volunteer retreats worldwide. She’s raised over a million dollars for global causes, focusing on sustainable solutions for women and children. She loves creating ways to inspire and empower people to live with passion and purpose. She talks to Stellar Woman Magazine on how she she found her purpose and passion. Who is Lisa Rueff? I am a heart centered leader on a mission to spread love globally. What is your mission on earth? I love empowering people to discover self-love, living a legacy of life of their dreams and contribution to the world. You’re a  multi –faceted entreprenuer – Founder of Collective Hearts, Sparked, Founder of...
Mildred Talabi On Why You Need To Be Visible Online

Mildred Talabi On Why You Need To Be Visible Online

Mildred Talabi believes everyone (especially women) needs to be visible online. With statistics showing that 4.566 billion people are currently online, it's becoming even harder to put yourself out there and be seen. However, Talabi considers this an opportunity because more people active online means more chances of attracting paying clients. The UK-based Linkedin visibility coach leverages her experience as a journalist and publicist to teach businesswomen how to build their personal and professional brands online. She had a zoom call with Stellar Woman Magazine to talk about how she became the visiblity coach of reason. Watch below.
Susan Nsibirwa On Why It’s Important to ask Yourself “Why” Before Making That Move

Susan Nsibirwa On Why It’s Important to ask Yourself “Why” Before Making That Move

Susan Nsibirwa is a Ugandan communication professional with close to 30 years’ experience in advertising, marketing and media management, having worked with some of the top corporations in East Africa. She has since ventured into entrepreneurship, co-founding Urge Uganda, a full service marketing and advertising agency that supports start-ups and small businesses. She opens up to Stellar Woman Magazine about her many passions. Who is Susan Nsibirwa?  Susan is a passionate learner of life. I think I've evolved over the years, but right now, I’d call myself a passionate learner of life. Newly into business. My entire career has been around advertising, communications and marketing, but I just have a passion and a zest for life, for brands and for people. Those three pillars; lif...
“I was too busy being a lawyer to think about writing as a career option. Now I’m Living my Best Life as a Children’s Book Writer” – Joanne Hurley

“I was too busy being a lawyer to think about writing as a career option. Now I’m Living my Best Life as a Children’s Book Writer” – Joanne Hurley

Who is Joanne Hurley? I have been a  business and entertainment attorney in Chicago for over forty years. Recently, I started writing  children’s books. I write first chapter books for kids aged 6 – 11 under the name Joanna Hurley. The stories are wacky and imaginative and weave together real-life situations that kids face with fantasy.  How was it growing up in the 50’s?       I grew up in a small town in Michigan in the 1950’s. My town was an idyllic place to grow up. Parents taught kids to ride their bikes with training wheels on. The block was filled with kids. We would literally swarm the block,  racing our bikes, playing tic tac toe, jumping rope, and playing dress up.  We were all different. We were from small  ...
Marie Oldfield On Being a Leader in The Artificial Intelligence Industry and Why It’s Time for Women to Take Their Place in It

Marie Oldfield On Being a Leader in The Artificial Intelligence Industry and Why It’s Time for Women to Take Their Place in It

Who is Marie Oldfield? Marie (CStat, CSci, PStat, FIScT) is the CEO of Oldfield Consultancy and Kuinua Coaching.Marie is an Entrepreneur, Public Speaker and Fellow of the Institute of Science and Technology. With two businesses, a podcast and published papers, Marie manages a packed diary on a day to day basis. She is a sought after global leader in her field; experienced in leading large global analytics teams to drive and transform strategic insights and decision making for Defence, Governments and the Private Sector. Marie works at the forefront of Ethical AI, driving improvement, and development. Marie is an established global speaker, sharing her stories and experiences of Statistics, AI and Defence. Marie has been called upon to validate degrees and provide input to industrial Uni...
Michaela DePrince: From War Child to Renowned Ballerina
Restricted, Thriving

Michaela DePrince: From War Child to Renowned Ballerina

Born in war-torn Sierra Leone, Michaela DePrince is now the Dutch National Ballet's 2nd soloist. Working to change the industry, she wears brown tights and pointe shoes. She's also worked with Beyonce on her album 'Lemonade,' been the face of Jockey and JP Morgan Chase campaigns, and is an ambassador of War Child Holland. Michaela DePrince was born in war-torn Sierra Leone during the country’s decade-long civil war. Rebels killed her father, and shortly after her mother died of fever and starvation.  She had vitiligo, a condition that causes patches of skin to lose its color.  In her native land vitiligo was considered a curse of the devil.  This caused her uncle to abandon her at an orphanage.  There she was taunted and abused by the women who cared for the children...
What is fear? By Stella Olivia Kikoyo
Restricted, Thriving

What is fear? By Stella Olivia Kikoyo

By Stella Olivia Kikoyo Have you ever missed an opportunity – personal or business due to fear? Have you missed out of any opportunity for growth during these uncertain times due to fear? You’re not alone.   Clearly many businesses and entrepreneurs start and get out of business. 80% of businesses survive the first year. However only 50% survive the five-year mark and only one in three small businesses get to the 10-year mark and live on ( There’re many reasons for this including lack of strategy, lack of alignment with the current environment, lack of financial support etc. However, it is stated that the inability to push through fears, persevere and push through stresses is the actual cause of failure. Businesses are more of the spiritual aspect and...
My Story: Taking Action Inspite of Fear – Stella Olivia Kikoyo
Restricted, Thriving

My Story: Taking Action Inspite of Fear – Stella Olivia Kikoyo

Remember that being brave is not the lack of fear but the ability to move forward in spite of fear. 15 years ago, I remember when I moved to the UK with my family, I wanted to continue with my career as a lecturer but didn’t know where to start. I went for a Marketing conference organised by a University in London with a view that I would get some information. Throughout the conference I was focused on how to approach whoever was in charge about getting a lecturing position but at the same time I was experiencing fear – fear of rejection or of not being good enough or what would be called fear of failure. I thought it was better to go back home to my family than be disappointed.   At the end of the conference, I decided to wait until everyone had left the lecture theatr...
How to Overcome Fear of Failure By Stella Olivia Kikoyo
Restricted, Thriving

How to Overcome Fear of Failure By Stella Olivia Kikoyo

By Stella Olivia Kikoyo Creating Clarity, Focus, Courage and Confidence Key Tool Using Five fingers  Thumb =Emotional state Index Finger = Focus Middle Finger = Meaning Ring Finger = Relationship Small finger or pinky = Strategy  Emotional State  What is your emotional state?  Emotions affect our feelings which feelings affect our actions or behaviours and results. Think about this before taking decisions. What emotional state are you in right now? This is of course as a result of your thoughts. This can be changed by: ·       Your physiology and posture. ·       Naming that feeling that you’re experiencing. What it is? Understanding ...
10 Things You Might Not Know About Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Restricted, Thriving

10 Things You Might Not Know About Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the current Director General of World Trade Organisation, is a force to be reckoned with. Did you know that this economist and international development expert is a former Finance Minister of Nigeria? There is a lot to the stellar woman, let's get into 10 fascinating facts about her! She is the first woman and the first African to hold the office of Director-General of the World Trade Organization.Dr. Okonjo-Iweala was educated at Harvard and has a Ph.D. in Regional Economics and Development from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Dr. Okonjo-Iweala is a member or chair of numerous boards and advisory groups: ONE Campaign, the World Resources Institute, the Clinton Global Initiative, the Nelson Mandela Institution, Friends of the Global Fund Africa, and th...
Josephine Omunyidde Zhane On Career Growth and Nurturing Young Girls into Change Makers
Restricted, Thriving

Josephine Omunyidde Zhane On Career Growth and Nurturing Young Girls into Change Makers

Josephine Omunyidde Zhane is the founder of Engender Girls' Mentorship Programme - an all girl-youth-mentorship initiative based in Uganda that develops THOUGHT LEADERSHIP for the girl-child through a series of activities that prepare her to take up her place at the decision making table in the future. She also serves on various Boards in Uganda and has previously served on the Board of Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU) as Director Public Relations. She has over 15 years of experience in International Development & Corporate Communication. She tells Stellar Woman Magazine why women need to creative new solutions needed to enable us to move forward. In one sentence, tell us who Josephine is: Josephine is a 39-year-old mother and believer - Remnant o...
10 Yara Shahidi Quotes That Prove She’s A Stellar Woman
Feminism, Restricted, Thriving

10 Yara Shahidi Quotes That Prove She’s A Stellar Woman

Yara Shahid is no ordinary 21-year-old. The actor, model and activist has filmed with Angelina Jolie, she considers Michelle Obama a friend – and Oprah believes she's a future US president. She's truly a stellar woman! Still have doubts, these 10 quotes from her will erase all of them.   “I don’t know everything. I know a fraction of what there is to know and I don’t think I will ever know everything, but it’s important to me to constantly challenge myself, to understanding different viewpoints, really understanding nuance in topics, so I can feel qualified in what I say, so I’m not preaching falsely of what I’m unaware of.”"There are two conflicting philosophies that I love: "Everything happens for a reason," as well as "you can change everything that you have control ov...
Divya Parekh On Success, Growth, and Why She Enjoys Helping People Succeed!
Restricted, Thriving

Divya Parekh On Success, Growth, and Why She Enjoys Helping People Succeed!

While it might sound trite in this day and age, my motivation for the work I do is to help people achieve their highest level of success. As I look back on my life, that has always been my main focus. It has guided me in the different phases of my professional life, culminating in what I do now in guiding others to get their unique message out to their audience. There are several components to working with professional men and women that I have incorporated and refined in my career, and as I look back on to where it all started, I am proud to say it began with my parents. I am blessed that I was brought up by loving parents in India who were liberal-minded as they raised my sister and I. India is a country of varied cultures that encompass different religions, traditions, and ways of lo...
The Passion to Help Others Achieve Their Goals is Dr. Stephanie Atkinson-Alston’s Gift That Keeps Giving!
Restricted, Thriving

The Passion to Help Others Achieve Their Goals is Dr. Stephanie Atkinson-Alston’s Gift That Keeps Giving!

Stephanie Atkinson-Alston's professional experience goes above and beyond: she gained it through her training settings in various fields, such as the military, private, and education sectors, and now she's a coach - not just any coach though, she's considered 'The coach of coaches'. "My passion for coaching is in helping others to achieve their goals," she says. Who is Dr Stephanie Atkinson-Alston? I am an unapologetic black and God-fearing woman, an author, a partner, a sister, an aunt, a niece, and a friend. As Dr. Stephanie Atkinson-Alston, I bring over 20 years of experience to coaching that was developed through my service in the military, private, and public education training settings. My passion for coaching is in helping others to achieve their goals through developing robu...
Leesun, The Singer Who is Inspired By Random Things!
Music, Restricted, Thriving

Leesun, The Singer Who is Inspired By Random Things!

"I was at sitting at home, daydreaming about beautiful sunny summer days, barbecues, gatherings of friends, and that song “My Life” came to me," Leesun, a Canadian Korean British singer-songwriter recalls how wrote one of her most popular songs. In this chat with Stellar Woman Magazine she shares her inspirations and how her multicultural upbringing influences her sound. You are a Canadian Korean British singer-songwriter. Tell us about your multi-cultural upbringing.  My parents are Korean and emigrated to Canada when I was just 5 months old. I grew up in Canada, in southern Ontario, attending far too many schools (11 schools between ages 4 and 17). My experience, like so many Canadians, was one of being non-white in a culture where somehow the norm seemed defined as white. Bein...
“I’m Very Happy With Who I am, and It Has Taken Me a While To Get Here” – Atiti Izogie

“I’m Very Happy With Who I am, and It Has Taken Me a While To Get Here” – Atiti Izogie

Atiti Izogie is the creative force behind Eyato London, a luxury brand that specialises in Made-to-Order luxury accessories and timeless statement pieces. In creating the brand, Atiti was inspired by many things; the driving force being LOVE. "Love, first for our maker who created us and gave us gifts, talents and abilities and then love for each other," she shares. In this chat with Stellar Woman Magazine, she shares her tips for success. Atiti sounds like a special name. What does it mean? Thank you very much. My name means "a work of perfection". You're a mother, a lecturer, a designer, businesswoman and …?. How have you been able to juggle your personal, professional and business life? First and foremost I am a child of God full of passion for life and created to ...
Paulina Sobczak On The Importance Of Self Love and What it Means to Succeed as a Photographer

Paulina Sobczak On The Importance Of Self Love and What it Means to Succeed as a Photographer

“My mission is to help you quiet your inner critic, teach you everything you need to know to love being in front of the camera, show you how beautiful you are, and provide you with stunning photographs of you," says Paulina Sobczak, a Portrait, Headshots and Branding Photographer. In this chat with Stellar Woman Magazine she opens up about her inspirations and what it means to be a stellar woman. Describe yourself in a few words. Empowered, enthusiastic, cheerleader of women. Loving nature, my children and being free. How has your upbringing influenced the woman you are today?  I was raised in a conservative way in a family where a male was dominating the space. Hence, I have always been a female advocate, and making sure that I empower others to stand up for themselves...
Mariam Ndagire Talks Working in a Male-dominated Industry!
Feminism, Thriving

Mariam Ndagire Talks Working in a Male-dominated Industry!

Mariam Ndagire is a Ugandan entrepreneur, singer, actress and movie producer. She talks to Stellar Woman Magazine about her influences, working in a male-dominated industry and what makes her proud to be a woman.  What does it take to thrive in the entertainment business? They are four pillars; 1. Talent – you have to have some bit of talent. 2. Passion – you must love what you do. 3. Discipline – you have to be disciplined. Humility is a deal breaker in this business. 4. Esteem – you have to believe in yourself. Number 2 is a must. Are there women in your life who probably influenced this assertive demeanour? My mother to start with. Just like I am, and probably much more, she was a strong hardworking woman. A single mother who singlehandedly raised us and provided wi...
“I’ve always focused on what I wanted to achieve” – Monica Bradley of MB Associates

“I’ve always focused on what I wanted to achieve” – Monica Bradley of MB Associates

Successful businesswoman Monica Bradley is the founder and owner of MB Associates, an award-winning mortgage brokers based in Surrey. She talks about her success and why she loves what she does. Who is Monica Bradley? That's a broad question! On a business level, I'm an experienced mortgage broker based in Cheam, Surrey, where I run my own business, MB Associates. I advise clients on mortgages and have a team of advisers who also help clients with mortgages and protection insurance such as life cover, critical illness and income protection. I've been in the financial services sector for over 30 years and still love what I do. I enjoy giving my clients advice on how to be financially secure and take control of their money. I like to think I do more than just find them the right mortga...
10 Things To Know About Kamala Harris

10 Things To Know About Kamala Harris

We're thrilled to have US Vice President Kamala Harris as the first cover star of Stellar Woman Magazine. It had to be her, because she's a representation of the New Era we are in as women. She is the first woman VP and first woman of colour in the position.  As the world starts to embrace diversity, it couldn’t get any better for the leading Nation to have her as their VP. She is powerful, successful and joyful. She inspires both girls and women to believe in themselves and to aim high. This explains why there was no one more suited to be our very first stellar cover woman.  Vice President Kamala Harris' official portrait (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson) Here are 10 things to know about this stellar woman. Kamala Devi Harris was born on October 20, 1964...
Kate Marsden on The Importance of Purpose and How She Found Her Own

Kate Marsden on The Importance of Purpose and How She Found Her Own

Meet Kate Marsden, the writer and designer who gave up a career at a law firm to pursue her creative passions, and won at it. We spoke to her about her rollercoaster journey In one sentence who is Kate Marsden... I’m a textile designer, illustrator, blogger, writer, teacher and undoubtably lots of other things I always forget to mention too! What are your personal interests? Did they all start from childhood or have they evolved with time? As a child, I loved fashion and drawing as well as dance and music. I think the things I’m interested in now stem from that. Fashion took me to Art college, but I’ve ended up focusing on textile design and illustration, the dance has turned into a passion for the gym (I’m counting the days to it reopening) and the love for music hasn’t change...
Claudia Taboada Talks Being Stellar and The Importance of Selfcare
Thriving, Wellness

Claudia Taboada Talks Being Stellar and The Importance of Selfcare

When Nico, Claudia Taboada's son was diagnosed with severe autism at 2 years old, she abandoned her law career to become his full-time caregiver. But it was the walks she had with Nico's dog more than 8 years later that completely changed her life. How would you describe yourself? Have you always identified yourself like so? Right now I would identify myself as someone who is finally becoming the most self-actualized version of herself. Someone who goes after dreams with confidence and who has found her life’s purpose and mission.  And no I was not always this way, just 11 years ago I was an autism mom not only her physical and mental health but also her identity due to motherhood burnout.  You're a celebrated speaker, coach & digital entrepreneur. What's your backstory?&nb...