Friday, March 28

Celebrations Should Be a Regular Event Not Just for the Holidays – Ann Justi

Celebration is an ancient ritual. It gives us a way to feel good about ourselves, and our accomplishments. When we celebrate, we are reinforcing something important to us. Without it we simply maintain the status quo and candidly have a lot less fun. Celebrating is good for people. It is an opportunity for activity, conversation, laughter, and excitement. Parties can mean games and singing, and even dancing. Celebrations create a circle of life. When we rejoice in the presence and accomplishments of others, they feel uplifted. Research has shown that acts of gratitude encourage those around us, creating a circle of reciprocal love. We celebrate because it reminds us of milestones in our lives or traditions in our culture. One way of distinguishing one culture from another is through the celebrations we hold every year. This, in a way, builds our identity and strengthens our connection to our traditional roots. Celebrated milestones, big or small things can make you aware and acknowledge something you did not even know you had. This will you learn to appreciate and cherish these things. Celebrating is essential to nurture our inner wellbeing. It sets us up for greater success and brings us a sense of belonging and reward. Celebration is gratitude in action and celebration is good for us. It adds fun and excitement to our lives. Celebrations can be incredibly fun and provide us with the perfect opportunity to engage in joy. Celebrations pave the way for future success. When we celebrate, we generate momentum for future efforts. Celebrating can mean to honor or to praise something publicly. Celebrations are most often social gatherings to mark a birthday, anniversary, holiday, vacation, or big milestone in people’s lives. Celebrations are for connecting with people you know, usually at a big gathering. How about the concept that celebrations are a connection and acknowledgement for you and your life. ‘You can celebrate alone, on social media, with friends and or family. You can celebrate big…


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