Tuesday, March 25

Creating Impact, Influence and Income – Hui Hui Lek

Hui Hui is a coach, a course creator, and the Founder, and CEO of Impact University and Inner World Training. She is the creator of the Mission To Movement 10-Day Course Creation Challenge through which she helps new entrepreneurs and coaches create digital courses and coaching programs.Who is Hui Hui and what is your backstory?I was born and raised in Singapore, but I’m Chinese. Growing up, I was a very shy and introverted child. And because I’m the youngest child, most of the time I played alone at home and at times with my mom. Ever since I was young, I wanted to be an entrepreneur. So after my first job, which was book editor, I decided that I didn’t want to just work for other people anymore. I wanted to start my own business. So I started my entrepreneurial journey. I have to say it has been good. I’ve been an entrepreneur for about 19 years now. However, the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey was challenging; being introverted, it was very difficult for me to speak publicly. Just before the pandemic, I had a retail business, which I had run for 12 years. Every moment with my customers would make me nervous and at times the situation would get out of hand and I would run and hide. But eventually, after 12 years of experience as a retailer, I honed my public speaking skills. However, when the pandemic came, it wiped out 80% of my retail business. Since I was doing events, – event sales, and retail, I wasn’t able to run my retail business anymore. And at the time, I was just weighing my options and I realized that there were not many options for me. A moment came when I was attending a webinar, in which I wanted to…


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