Who is Diana Gotcher?
I am an average ordinary woman, who has been fortunate to have
struggle and adversity in my life, which has opened the doors of opportunity. I’m a Holistic Health Practitioner with a PhD in Holistic Medicine, and a published author. I am a mom, a friend, and a mentor.
From poverty to PhD, share with us this story? How did you get there?
Well, my dad was a Hell’s Angel, a bike club member, so I was raised around drugs, alcoholism, and violence. We actually lived in a school bus, in poverty for a few years during my childhood. I was 13 years old when my mom died. 9 years later, I lost my husband, and experienced financial difficulty off and throughout my young adulthood. Within a few decades, I experience the loss of my dad, and 4 siblings. With each tragedy, I felt more compelled to understand grief, human behaviour and lifestyle. Realizing that most of the tragedies could have been prevented, really motivated me to continue my education, and learn as much as possible. And I’m still learning.

It is the new year 2022, please share with our readers your word for the year?
COMPASSION. Compassion is needed more now than ever before. So many people are struggling, mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially.
What does success mean to you?
Success to me is marked by the progress of growth. I don’t think of success as a designated place, but more of the “feeling” of abundance in my life, mentally, physically, spiritually. And being financially stable is also important.
Is goal setting important for success in life?
Absolutely! I honestly feel that goal setting is of the most importance to success, and mindset would be a close 2nd!
What are your goals for the year 2022?
Well, I’m in the process of creating a non-profit organization, so that is definitely front and center for this year! I set goals in all areas of my life each year, so I’m also focusing on nurturing my relationships, seeing my family and friends more often, and spending quality time in nature.
You say you do what you love? How did you zero down to this as something you love to do?
It really took conscious effort to figure out what it was that I really loved to do. I first thought about what my passions are, which included helping others, counselling, and mentoring. I also thought about what my life experiences have taught me. I think of it as, passion + purpose= my life’s work. Life has taught me that life should be lived abundantly. So now, I teach people how to live life abundantly!
Your mission is to help people live healthier and happier lives. Why is this important?
I’ve seen SO much suffering, just within my own family, and in my own life. Being an empath, I understand when others are struggling. And oftentimes, it’s as simple as sharing my story that demonstrates turning suffering into purpose. Our human nature is to ask “why”, when we face adversity. My mentors have taught me that instead of asking “Why is this happening to me?”, ask “What is this experience trying to teach me?” This concept alone has been life-changing for me.
Tell us about Thrive Holistic Wellness?
Thrive Holistic Wellness is a company I founded, which offers 1:1 Life Coaching, workshops, and wellness programs, as well as offering TeleHealth services, and a “Farmacy” of health supplements. Thrive Holistic Wellness really focuses on achieving balance of the mind, body, and spirit, which is required for sustainable health.
Your recipe to success is a mix of personal development, facing new challenges head on and pushing through fears. Break it down for us?
As we go through life, and experience growth through experiences, its facing new challenges and getting out of our comfort zone that really expedites personal development. There’s only so much we can learn from formal education and books. Personal development has to be learned through real life experiences. We all fear from time to time when we’re doing something new. Really developing and growing is to acknowledge that fear, and then do it anyway. Success requires us to develop our “self”, and work our way through any barrier. And in my experience, fear is a big limitation for people.
What has been the most challenging aspect in running your business?
Time management is challenging for me. Once I start working on a project, or social media content, or creating a new workshop, I lose track of time. I’m 150% mentally invested in my work, and then my day-to-day responsibilities have to “caught up”. It never feels like “work” to me. I really do enjoy what I do!
How are you able to transcend beyond the challenge/challenges?
I take time to re-evaluate my priorities, and I’ve also learned to out-source some of my work. I’m still a work in progress!
Why is it important for women not to be apologetic about being high achievers?
SO important! Well, first I feel that we as women need to set an example for other women and for our youth. It important to own our successes. Many cultures look down on women being high achievers. I personally feel that its time to break those outdated moulds, and cultivate a new generation of women leaders. I see that happening more and more. I definitely support it!
We are into the new year, what in your opinion, should be every businesswoman’s key priorities in pursuit of successful year?
Find a mentor. Seek out someone who is doing what you want to be doing, or has achieved some of the goals you like to achieve, and learn from them. Even the best of the best athletes have a coach or mentor.
You’re a high achiever. Have you recorded some failures on your journey? How did you overcome them?
Yes, absolutely! I have failed far more times than I have achieved! I dropped out of college because of a public speaking class. I was terrified of public speaking. I had to close a business because it failed after a large investment. What I learned through all the failures what to find a new way. Quitting shouldn’t be an option. If you have a dream, or a goal, or a desire, just keep adjusting your method, but don’t give up!
If you were to meet your 15-year-old self, what message would you have for her?
I would tell her to not let anyone slow her down on achieving her dreams, and to embrace the adversity that’s coming.
What, in your opinion, defines a stellar woman?
A stellar woman in my opinion is one who committed to excellence—her own definition of excellence for herself. And, woman how supports and inspires other women.

What’s your life mantra?
I AM the creator of my own experience; therefore, I can achieve anything I dream & believe.
Where do we see Diana in the next 5-10 years?
I love this question! I see myself opening an academy, offering non-secular degrees. I love the quote: “Give a person a fish, you feed them for a day. Teach a person how to fish, you feed them for a lifetime” (I’m paraphrasing). Teaching people how to live an abundant life, and empowering them with the tools necessary to create that life, is very important to me.
Leave one challenge to Stellar Woman readers to help them achieve their 2022 goals?
Visualize your goals as already accomplished. Think of how you would feel to accomplish your goals, and let that feeling act as a motivator. Face your challenges head on, and push through your fears. Have belief in your ability to accomplish your goals!