Who is Catherine Jackson?
First and foremost, I am a child of God.
Professionally, I’m Dr. Catherine Jackson (Dr. J), a licensed clinical psychologist and board certified neuro therapist who specializes in using holistic, trauma-informed and brain-based interventions to help individuals and families reach optimal mental well-being and create the positive changes they desire in their lives and relationships.
A sought-after international speaker and media expert who’s been featured in Forbes, Oprah Magazine, The Huffington Post, CNN and many other media outlets, I share a wealth of information with others on topics related to mental wellness, the brain and holistic health. I am the owner of Optimal Neuroholistic Services (ONS), author of The Couch Experience: A Guide to Good Therapy and creator of The Couch Experience Wellness Card Decks. I’m a DEIJ expert and clinical supervisor who is passionate about mental health. Through my online programs and services, live events, and published resources, I start with the brain to help people rewire their brains, mindsets, behaviors and habits so they think, feel and communicate at their best. My goal is to end negative generational patterns that lead to dysfunctional habits and behaviors. For more information, visit: NeuroholisticServices.com

What is your backstory? What was your childhood dream career?
I was born and raised in Chicago, IL. I come from humble family beginnings, though I never knew it when I was young. My mom stayed at home with my three siblings and me when we were young, and my dad worked as a truck driver. A relationship with God, family, education, and service to others were highly valued and strongly advocated in our home.
Like so many youths, there were many different directions I thought I would take in my adult pursuits. However, God always has a plan. When I was in high school, I found myself drawn to helping those with mental health concerns and like most teens, I thought I could do a better job helping others with their mental health than the school counselors.
Becoming a psychologist became my goal, and nearly all of my decisions were on this path. I obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Developmental
Psychology, earned Human a Master of Science degree in Services/Counseling and afterward completed a post master’s certificate program in School Counseling. I later obtained a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in marriage and family therapy. All of my degrees from high school to the doctoral degree were with honors. During my post-doctoral fellowship and the years beyond, a spark for Neurotherapy was ignited, leading to a great deal of additional training, studying, and certifications. I breathe neuro and incorporate the brain in all I do.
You are a licensed clinical psychologist, board certified neuro therapist, speaker, an author and a coach. How do you do it all?
It sounds like a lot, but some of the roles coincide. Licensed psychologist and neurotherapist go hand-in-hand in the work that I do a brain-based psychologist. As a trained psychologist, the work I do as a coach comes easily and naturally for me. The other roles along with these roles take careful planning and a good planner to stay on top of everything. Furthermore, there are several other things I do to stay balanced through it all.
Why did you set up the Optimal Neuroholistic Services LLC?
Optimal Neuroholistic Services (ONS) was created to serve more people of color. While all are welcome, and I work with people of all races, religions, ages, sexual orientations, etc. ONS was started out of a need to provide quality, affordable mental wellness services to people of color who do not always have access to such. In the past, most of the organizations I’ve worked for/with allowed me to primarily work with those who are predominantly white. I realize that many of the services that I have been trained in, we’re not reaching many of the people who look like me. And I decided to change the narrative. Therefore, Optimal Neuroholistic Services was born.

I was so busy working for and with other organizations that it was difficult to get my own practice and business endeavors started. However, March 2020 changed everything. While things were already in the works to begin my own practice and write my first book it was not until the shutdown of 2020 that I was able to fully focus on my dreams.
What key message would you give anyone starting up a business today? Starting a business is both hard work and rewarding. Create a network of likeminded people, those who collaborate and engage in sharing of information and resource and where there is absolutely no competition. No one is an island. So, having others you can trust, bounce ideas off of, ask questions, collaborate with, learn from and grow with is invaluable.
What have been your guiding principles on your journey of 10+ years working as a clinical psychologist and running the above enterprises? One of the main guiding principles is self-care for me and those who work for or with me. I go beyond lip service and model and encourage self-care. When I and those who work with and for me care for themselves, we produce better work and are more efficient. Other guiding principles include:
- Quality Services
- Welcoming and Celebrating Diversity
- Going Beyond Typical Standards
- Working Collaboratively
- Consistency and Hard Work
- Honesty and Respect
You have been featured in Forbes, Oprah magazine, The Washington Post, CNN and many other media sources. What in your opinion sets you apart?
There are so many amazing mental health professionals out there doing great and unique work. There is nothing that makes me better than anyone else. I do however have a unique set of skills and trainings not many Black mental health professionals are trained in. In fact, when I’ve gone to these particular conferences, trainings and workshops I’ve been the only one there that looks like me. However, being featured in major publications I credit to God. Everything happens in His time and according to His will.
You’re a big advocate of mental health awareness and this is mental health awareness month, tell our readers why it is important to give attention to their mental wellbeing.
Mental health IS a part of our overall health. Even more simply put, Mental Health IS Health! Focusing on emotional and mental well being is a vital part of life that affects how we think, feel, behave and relate to others. If left unattended it can impact everything we do…how we feel about ourselves and others, how we act, our productivity at work and the quality of our relationships. If mental health is neglected for too long it can even show up somatically, in our physical health.
You’re an author! Please tell our subscribers about your book “The
Couch Experience: A Guide to Good Therapy”, Why did you write it?
I wrote the book for several different reasons. One of the main reasons being many people were texting me, DM’ing me etc. They were asking questions about mental health, finding a good therapist, the type of therapy for themselves or a loved one, etc. I saw a need for the book and rather than continue to write long responses to so many people individually the book is the answer to all of those questions and more.
I also wrote the book because not many know of the various mental health resources available. When most people think of mental health or therapy the image of sitting on a couch and talking comes to mind. That’s one and the major form of therapy. However, there are so many other types of therapy, some that rely little if at all on talking. The book lists a lot of other forms of therapies and other wellness activities that may be a part of one’s mental health experience. No matter which type(s) of therapy is best for you or a loved one, the main goal of all form of mental health therapies is to reduce symptoms and get people back to feeling their best.

For anyone who feels like they’re alone in the aspect of mental wellbeing, what message would you give them to help them step on the path to their optimum selves?
You are not alone. Things may feel heavy or be hard right now, but trust they will not stay this way. If you are having difficulty managing any aspect of your life and wellness, please reach out to a professional for help. Often the first steps toward wellness are the hardest, but believe me it gets easier. If you are reading this and you or a loved needs someone to talk to call your national crisis hotline. You may also text chat with someone at any time that can help: text SHOUT to 85258 in the UK or the word HOME or HELP to 741741 in the U.S.
Please tell our readers what holistic wellness means and why is it so important?
Holistic wellness focuses on the whole person. Rather than simply focusing on one aspect of wellness, for example, only focusing on the physical or only on the emotional, holistic wellness takes into account all areas of one’s functioning: physical, mental/ emotional, social, intellectual, financial, occupational, environmental and spiritual. It may also include focusing on creativity/creative outlets and self-care. Holistic wellness is important because we are whole beings. We are not just our careers or simply physical beings. Our identities are multidimensional and we multifaceted and our wellness should be too.
Part of your expertise is in marriage, parenting and family counseling. How do you think a stable home affects the productivity of a woman on her way to pursuing her goals?
Life is stressful regardless of one’s gender. For most people our home is our sanctuary and our place away from many outside demands and stressors. However, when women, especially those with multiple roles (mother, partner, employee or entrepreneur, sibling, daughter, etc.) have chaotic homes, they have no place to simply be, to rest and to get away from it all. Often the very environment that ought to serve as a peaceful place becomes another stressor. A stable home on the other hand, provides a place for a woman to rest, receive support and be creative, even if she is not able to get it in other areas and places in her life. Many women are fierce no matter what, overcoming great odds and getting things done no matter what adversities she faces, but when she has stability at home that makes her feels safe and supported, she can truly conquer anything she sets her mind to.
You are a high achiever. Have you experienced some failures on your journey? How did you recover from them?
Of course! In fact, I learn more from failures than I do successes. If I were to succeed constantly, I would hardly learn anything and/or grow. Therefore, I don’t see failures as failure, but rather opportunities to learn, grow and be better. Depending on the type of “failure” I experience, I sometimes take a break or pause. Even if nothing goes wrong, I routinely take breaks to rest and reset so I am stronger to work more productively in my business and with those I serve. Other times when things don’t go as I hoped, I simply reflect on what happened and figure out how I can do things differently. What I do not do is give up! I may pivot or change a course of action, but I do not give up.
Where do you envision yourself in the next 5-10 years?
I have so many ideas to grow and further Optimal Neuroholistic Services. In 510 years, I plan to expand, hiring additional therapists, offering additional services and having a brick-and-mortar location among other things.
If you were to meet your fifteen-year-old self, what key message would you like to leave her?
Start enjoying life sooner. I was that kid and teen who was very into her books and studies. I jokingly shared with people on social media my love of books and bookstores, noting that I prefer books over boys. While I would have fun, it was a little bit more on the back burner during some of my younger years. Now, fun or things that bring me joy, rest and relaxation are priorities. I work, but I will not work myself to exhaustion. I instead create more balance. Rather than working and only enjoying life once I’m done with work, I now work for a certain amount of time and enjoy the rest of my time without a need to feel I have to earn time for myself or that I can only have fun or time for myself only if I completed work first. Therefore, balance and work-life alignment are key.
How do you create work -life balance?
I do what I suggest many of my female patients do “pencil yourself in on the calendar like you would any other appointment.” And I do just that. I pencil myself in for rest, relaxation, self-care, vacations, etc., which helps to keep me balanced while doing it all. I also safe and keep firm boundaries and prioritize things. For example, I may have a lot of ideas and thoughts for my business, but I prioritize what’s most important and/or time sensitive tasks. Boundaries are essential too. I realize I cannot say yes to everything, and I definitely do not do everything at once. Therefore, I’d say yes and do things that align with my vision and mission. While other things may be really good, I turn down things that don’t align with me and what I’m doing. I also believe I can do it all, just not all at once, which is why I prioritize what I will do. Lastly, I have an assistant, which frees up a great deal of time for me to focus more on key things and be creative while she handles some of the daily tasks.
What future do you envision for women?
This is a big question with lots of answers, but simply put I envision equality and equity for women. In order for true equality to exist, equity is needed. As a woman of color, I pray all women are treated the same way rather than some being valued and treated better than others.

If you were given a magic wand, what change would you bring to the world?
I’d need several magic wands, but if I had only one, I’d use it to completely erase racism and tear down every brick on the wall of stigma around mental health.
What is your life mantra?
I have more than one and here are a few:
Trust God and trust the process.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)
I am enough
What are your ideal Stellar Woman attributes?
- Believes in a higher power
- Grace toward oneself and others
- Kind, generous and loving and truly cares for others
- Fearless, assertive and goes after her dreams and goals
- Collaborative and not competitive with other women
- Intelligent
- Intentional
- Optimistic
- Grateful
- Has integrity, is honest and respectful of herself and others
- Is courageous, has perseverance and resilience
- Has self discipline, is responsible and reliable
Please leave one challenge for the stellar woman readers to help them with strategies for success in 2022 and beyond.
Prioritize your mental health by penciling yourself in on your calendar. Give yourself whatever you need: rest, relaxation, socialization, spiritual connection, self-care, an appointment with a therapist, etc. Whatever you need make sure you prioritize yourself and your wellness on a consistent basis.