Friday, March 28

Embracing Action over perfectionism – Gina Balarin

Gina Balarin is a hugely successful and world-renowned keynote speaker, trailblazer, role model, and B2B marketing leader and expert. She is the author of The Secret Army: Leadership, Marketing and the Power of People, Gina Balarin is also a hugely successful TEDx speaker whose name precedes her having also worked extensively on television and radio.Who is Gina Balarin, and what’s your background story?Well, if you think about it, the easy way to remember how to pronounce Gina Balarin is Gina ballerina. And actually, when I was very little I thought I wanted to do one of two things either to become a ballerina or to become a professional businesswoman. And so, as it turned out, while I did study dance for many years, I turned away from the theater and traditional dance performance or performing as an actress to do professional speaking instead. And I took on a career as a marketer, which meant that I wasn’t necessarily Gina ballerina. But lord behold, I managed to find and fall in love with my best friend and partner whose surname is Balarin. And so in the end, I did in fact become both a professional businesswoman, and a ballerina.And where did you grow up?I grew up in South Africa, actually, in the latter days of apartheid. So I hadn’t realized at that time how much my resistance to simply being told what to do actually came from living in a regime where things were changing significantly. And where we were told to behave in racist ways that we were just not sensible. And so I realized later in life, that actually there was no reason to behave that way. And therefore, I didn’t like being told what to do and the things that people told me to do didn’t make any sense. So it was logical for me…


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