Friday, March 28

Good to Better – Ann Justi

Most people want things to be the best. Being the best is about being better. Being better every day. Being better than yesterday. Being better even when circumstances change, or things don’t get better at first. Here are several ways to go from good to better.How good things are now.Look at macro and micro-moments to see how good things are now. What obstacles have you overcome, what major accomplishments (that you really wanted) have you achieved, and what wisdom have you gained from your experiences?  I use micro gratitudes every day to maintain a positive mood and outlook.  I am breathing, alive, I have food, shelter, the ability to move, think,  beauty to see, and all those things we take for granted, that parking space you got, all the people who make it possible for you to have a cup of coffee (see My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee by A.J Jacobs), etc. When you see the good things, you will see that better is only happening when things are already good. Much better than focusing on the few things that might not be going the way you wanted.What if nothing is wrong?I fell down a flight of stairs a couple of years ago and got a significant cut above my eyebrow. I was not thinking about how glad I am alive with no broken bones or other injuries other than the cut. I was thinking scarred for life, about how when people look at my face all they will see is the scar. Then a friend told me about a new DNA activator that might speed up the healing. The friend told me to monitor my progress monthly and with scars normally it takes over a year to look skin-colored. Well for the…


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