I am so excited about this Issue especially at this time of the Year. I am in a celebratory mode! Who isn’t? Looking at what we have all been through, it is paramount that we celebrate – the special gift of life! Stellar Woman magazine has been on its journey with you and this is our first Christmas! Oh Yes, it is! All worth the celebration.
Join us as we commemorate this landmark. We argue you to celebrate all your life, the life of those around you, your environment and all your victories.
The word celebrate comes from the Latin word celeber, which means frequented or honoured. It is about honouring the person or the day, season or moment.
There’s so much to celebrate especially in view of the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important that we take time to acknowledge this moment as precious. To honour, among others, the day, the season, the gifts, the achievements that we have been given by the divine God. Whatever is divine in your life.
Celebration is important in life and I believe for one to enjoy life fully there must be several encounters of celebrations. I celebrate my life, my family, my achievements – small or big. I also like to join others in their celebrations be it birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, christenings, graduations, job offer or start of school year for children, Christmas etc.
One of the key highlights for the Stellar Woman magazine this year was the approval and registration of the trademark “Stellar Woman”. I celebrated with a very loud scream and dance, together with my family and team!

I also celebrate every woman that we have interviewed. These women agreed to open up and share their journeys to inspire others. We are thankful. I also celebrate you, our awesome readers. Without you we wouldn’t be here.
It is very clear that every woman interviewed loves celebration and incorporates celebration into their lives. They celebrate every milestone. This helps them to continuously bring light into their lives and of those around them. The stellar women covered in this Issue are all ready to reach for the stars. They are intentional in their approach to life with many life lessons that have guided their approach to life including work and business. There is a lot to learn from them.

The Stellar Woman cover woman, Nefertiti Plessy’s who’s on a mission to create a safe space for women to use their voices had a special powerful holiday celebratory message for women. She calls upon women to celebrate their greatness and use their voices. Another Stellar Woman Nike Anani calls us women to celebrate who we are, what we have achieved and encourages everyone to continue to be a force for good. Nėvine Zariffa talks about celebrating by sharing joy with family and going out to contribute to charities. Ann Justi our mind and body expert talks about celebrating every moment. Monica Bradley who is the Stellar Woman money and business expert guides business owners on how to incorporate celebration in their business practice to boost employee morale and business growth. She does this by demonstrating her own approach with her team.
Every woman celebrates differently. There is no standard way. For some, their Christmas celebration approach is similar to their childhood and for others it has evolved away from their childhood experience. For some women it is about keeping it simple, whilst for others, it is to be as lavish as possible. When you create moments that you celebrate, more celebratory moments come your way! This is the law of attraction but also it is how the brain works. Creating landmarks for rewards acts as a reinforcement to focus on the milestones that will bring about the celebration as discussed in the mind and body section.
What will you be doing this holiday season? I personally look forward to enjoying London with my family. I like the Christmas look and feel of London. I am always tracking down Santa, together with my daughter (of late my two sons have outgrown the ritual) in Leicester Square, Covent gardens and at Harrods. Meeting and having a conversation with Santa always brings out the child within me. I am always overtaken by the whole experience. I also love having afternoon tea with my family at Fortum & Mason and ice-skating at the National history museum or Hyde Park. I love window shopping, looking at Christmas decorations and lights and visiting the Royal Albert Hall to watch Christmas carols. I love attending children’s Christmas concerts and all the Christmas end of term nativity plays, going to theatres, Winter Wonderland and other wonderful places. I love shopping for gifts for my family, friends and neighbours (it is really a great time to deeply think about someone else), celebrating and eating with family members and hosting friends and neighbours, decorating the house, playing board games with children, sending presents to others who are less fortunate. My key Christmas must do is going to church with my family to worship God my creator. Christmas time albeit cold is my favourite time of the year!
What about you? Will you be out skiing, watching movies, playing board games, visiting family and friends, volunteering and contributing to causes, cooking, eating chocolates and cookies, hiking, opening and drinking champagne, shopping? Whatever it is –– rejoice and celebrate!
May this holiday season be full of laughter, joy, peace and great experiences for you and your loved ones. May the season’s sparkle and shine continue in the New Year.
Wishing you a happy read and a happy Stellar New Year 2022!!