Describe who you are in 140 characters…
There are 280 characters on twitter now so I cheated.
I am a Twitter Expert and I am the Director of the Women’s Inspire Network (a global online network for Women who want to start a business or who want to learn more about online and make valuable connections).
What’s your backstory?
I am 13 years sober. I decided to get rid of alcohol as I felt it was holding me back and affecting others around me. I didn’t seem to have control once I took the first drink. Once I did that, my story began.
Ten years ago my daughter came to the awkward milestone of her first period so I went to the supermarket to see if there was some kind of beginners set or welcome to womanhood set I could give her to make the transition easier but there were none. I did some research online and found some different ideas that were kind of what I had in mind but didn’t include what I wanted to give her so I decided to start a business myself. I did, even though I had no money at all! I was a lone parent on social welfare at the time.
I learnt as much as I could, my sister built me a website and I started using Twitter in particular to market the business. Here is where I saw the value of Twitter particularly for story telling and building relationships
I called it ‘Funky Goddess’ and it was very popular but I needed investment and so I went on a TV show called ‘Dragons Den’ and that is really how my journey started in the public eye.
I sold the business and was often asked by people how to use Twitter. A local Hotel asked me if I could help them with their twitter account so once I realised I had something that people needed and were willing to pay for….I had a new business! Tweetinggoddess was born!
Many women would like to get into entrepreneurship but are fearful. How did you get into it?
Starting a business takes courage.
First sit down with your family and tell them your plan and explain what it will mean to you and them. Surround yourself with good people who understand you and why you are doing it. Get support from a mentor or someone you know who might be in business already. Ask Questions. Learn as much as you can.

You sold Funky Goddess to focus on supporting other women achieve that same success. Why is sharing knowledge very important to you?
I sold Funky Goddess because, although I had appeared on Dragons Den and it appeared that I got investment, I actually didn’t get the investment following due diligence. I still needed the investment to make Funky Goddess profitable. So I shelved it and was about to get a job when a local hotel asked me how to use Twitter and I taught them but then they asked would I just run the account for them instead. So Tweetinggoddess was born!
I’ve always shared my knowledge and brought my audience on my journey so I regularly posted what it was like being a small business owner to social media. I started to get really positive feedback and messages saying I was helping by sharing my story and the things I was learning along the way.
Once you have a service or product people need and are willing to pay for …you have a business!
At what point did you decide to create Women Inspire IE network? What does it mean for women to be part of a network?
I did find it isolating running a business and wanted to ask questions and check if I was doing things right as a business woman but felt silly asking those questions. I realised I needed support. I tried different networking groups but I just didn’t feel like I ‘fit in’ or didn’t feel like I was getting value. So I decided to create my own network….Women’s Inspire Network.
It means we can ask questions, share ideas, brainstorm for anyone who is struggling and I add value as I know what Female Entrepreneurs need most having been one myself. I wanted real, authentic conversations. No bitching and no one feeling better than anyone else. I wanted everyone to feel included and important.
A Network like this is crucial for anyone thinking of starting a business. My purpose is to be the Woman I needed to meet when I started my business.
Now I actually do a lot more consulting, training and speaking. I have a great team around me now: Sharon who is fab at instagram (best expert I know), Content creation, Canva, Social media management. Aine, who is amazing at email marketing, social media management and Canva. Esther, who does everything website related and anything digital. Ben, who is a wonderful social media manager.

You’ve achieved so much success on social media. Many women have a bittersweet relationship with it; cyberbullying, body shaming and lots of social evils. How can one keep their experience on social media free of all that? Is it even possible?
Yes absolutely. It’s all about adding value. What value can you bring to Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, TikTok, Facebook ? Share knowledge, keep away from controversy, don’t bitch about others, keep it positive and you won’t get any negativity. Start by following others just like you or in the same mindset that way you will attract others who are also positive. Even if I get negativity (usually from jealous people who have probably never run a business or done anything), I just block them.
What opportunities do these social platforms (in particular Twitter) offer women?
There are a huge positive group of people on Twitter who are authors, artists, business women, retailers and journalists who really love to support other women. It’s all about following the right people, engaging with them and they usually follow you back.
What in your experience stops women from achieving the success they desire?
Fear and lack of confidence. Sometimes it’s listening to negative people too. That’s why it’s important for me to use twitter for good to inspire the next Woman who is contemplating starting a business but might not have the confidence or know how to Go For It.
What kind of mindset in your opinion should women that aspire to succeed and be more stellar have?
A Positive mindset is important. Determination and courage, get rid of anything that is holding you back whether that be negative beliefs, alcohol (I am 13 years sober and this is what propelled me ….getting rid of it) maybe it’s a family member or partner? Perhaps it’s cigarettes or chocolate? Once you get rid of the thing that is holding you back, you can soar.
Visualise where you would LOVE to be in a year. Create a vision board …stick photos from magazines on it e.g. Nike girl, Good food, a holiday, an expensive perfume…make those things your target step by step.

Have there been women that have supported you and inspired you to keep soaring? Are you able to mention some?
My daughters. All of the members of my Women’s Inspire Network inspire me every day.
How do you as a stellar woman create a life and work balance as many women struggle with this?
I try but am not perfect. I block out time in my calender for my family and even the dogs! I go for walks on the beach with the dogs to get away from the online world. I think everyone struggles with this but the longer you are in business the easier it gets to value your ‘me time’. Self care is so important as you will have no business without it.
What’s your life mantra?
Be kind, assist others, share your knowledge. Also….ignore the copy cats, just keep being the BEST. Don’t ever take criticism from someone you would never go to for advice is my favourite quote (Morgan Freeman)
Do you have a morning routine?
Read my daily reflections, shower, breakfast, chat with daughter and husband, have a cup of tea outside in my pergola, watch the birds then start work.
Away from work, what are your passions?
Walking on the beach, anything outdoors, going to lunch with friends. Painting.
If you were to have a conversation with your fourteen-year-old self, what advice would you give her?
You ARE good enough.
How do you unwind?
I love walking on the beach with the dogs and hanging out with my sister. I also love social audio where I learn a lot and build lovely relationships. E.g. Clubhouse and Twitter spaces.
Who, in your opinion, is a stellar woman?
My Daughter Leah. She is 22, type 1 diabetic, really fit and she runs her own business.
What do you have to add to your life to make you feel more stellar?
More exercise and healthy food.
Could you please leave one challenge for the Stellar Woman readers to be more stellar?
Start using Clubhouse or other social audio platforms.
Show you are the ‘Go To’ expert in your niche and own it.
Tag me on Twitter and ask me to introduce you to someone who might help your business.