Thursday, March 27

Neferteri Plessy On Being a Stellar Woman, Winning and Bringing Others Along

Who is Neferteri Plessy? 

I’m on a mission to create a safe space for women’s voices to be heard. 

You were born in New Orleans, Louisiana and grew up in Oakland, California. How was it growing up there? 

Growing up in Oakland was one of the biggest lessons of my life. Being able to create a path for myself, learning about my culture and taking part in the technology boom was a magical time to be young and free.  

And how did that experience shape the woman you are now? 

Having an upbringing in New Orleans and Oakland was the best of both worlds. Having a community of family around me, amazing culture, mixed with grit has shaped me into the woman I am today.

What was your childhood dream career? 

I wanted to be a lawyer. I even dressed up as one for Halloween in elementary school. As funny as it sounds!

Is it connected with what you do today? 

Yes it is, I am always negotiating deals to help create what’s best for my clients.

You had a stint in Hollywood and entertainment. How was that experience?  

Amazing, I loved growing up in the bright lights of Hollywood. My childhood in an urban city prepared me for having street smarts, mixed with class is a powerful combo in L.A.. I’m still active as a tv host, producer and model.

The pandemic has hit the world hard, what has been your experience so far? Is there any key lesson you would like to share? 

I was blessed to see that I needed to shift my business to an online platform. I created a virtual side of my company called Elevated Strategist. Our current business holdings include the creation of my signature program called “The Million Dollar Media Business,” where I take business owners who are looking to create and launch their media brand and put them through my 5 step process to create their online programs as well as retreats, product launches, book tours and more. This program also includes high level media coaching for executives, entrepreneurs and experts. 

Despite the fact that we are surrounded by the media, many business people have a slim grasp of its potential and how they can take advantage of it. My key lesson is to know when the waves are coming in fast, take action when needed and listen to what your inner being is telling you. 

How have you managed to transcend beyond it? 

I know the pitfalls of being a one-woman band and the notion that you will always have the answers. But that’s false. So I have always had amazing people around me that push me beyond my belief system. Creating a safe space for consistent mindset work is key. 

You founded Single Moms Planet. Tell us about it and the work you do. 

Single Moms Planet is dedicated to uplifting under-resourced families and their children nationwide. Building one strong family at a time. Since its inception, Single Moms Planet has proven to bring much needed interactive family programming to the families that need it most. More than a third of all children are raised in single-parent households – this is staggering when you think about it! – and the majority are headed by single mothers who are generally living well below the poverty line and we are on a mission to change that. 

Due to the growing cost of living each year, many families can’t afford to pay for their children’s enrichment programs, including family bonding, educational experiences and more. Many families are left choosing between a loaf of bread or paying utility bills, rent, clothing and other mandatory necessities to survive. This is where Single Moms Planet comes in by providing family and child enrichment programs for under-resourced single parent families while exposing them to engaging activity programs meant to build self-esteem, athletic skills, social skills and more.

How did your experience as a child and a mother shape the vision and intention to create it?   

I was raised by a single mother. She is my greatest supporter, mentor and teacher in life. Through her strength and peaceful nature of keeping it simple and giving to others, I was able to create Single Moms Planet. As a mother with two young sons from my marriage, I felt firsthand the unique challenges that face single mothers and co-parents. After my divorce, I struggled to find balance and self-fulfillment. First and foremost among my concerns were my children and how to ensure a happy stable life for them. I began to research the effects of divorce and single motherhood and learned that the most disadvantaged group in the U.S. are single mother families which, according to the U.S. Census, 30 percent of those families live below the poverty line. Having lived that experience, I wanted to share the lessons I learned so that other single moms wouldn’t have to face the harsh reality that awaits them if they are not prepared. That’s when I founded Single Moms Planet – to end the poverty cycle in single parent households. 

Neferteri Plessy is a distant relative to Homer Plessy, who was black, was in 1892 arrested for sitting in the “Whites Only” section of a train car in Louisiana. In 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case – Plessy v. Ferguson – by saying that blacks and whites could be legally kept apart as long as services to them were separate but equal. Last month, the state Board of Pardons recommended a posthumous pardon for Homer nearly 130 years later. The Louisiana governor is set to sign the pardon. Neferteri is Homer Plessy’s first cousin four generations removed. Her great great grandfather was Homer’s first cousin. Homer never had children.

How has the experience been for you so far in running it? 

I truly believe that creating an organization that uplifts and empowers single mothers and their children is my life’s calling. When I get the phone calls and emails from grateful women who have created a powerful path for their lives, their families and businesses through the work we do through Single Moms Planet, it makes me realize that this is the reason why I keep going.

Looking back, how would you compare how your mother raised you with how you are raising your children? Is motherhood evolving?  

My mother and I laugh about it, but when I was growing up, many children raised themselves and the world was the guide. We were outside, enjoying our childhood, jumping fences, riding bikes, creating a life full of adventure. Many mothers are experiencing a very high hands-on approach to motherhood. We are many times the beginning, the middle and the end. But it seems that our society doesn’t realize this new reality, so more community support is needed. This would include greater school and family involvement as well.

What about The Smart Mommy? What is its vision and how did you start it? 

It’s an opportunity to provide women with vital business education. There is a reason why there are so few business women in the marketplace today. It’s the inability to make business education more available to women and I want to give them that chance. The Smart Mommy coaching system is delivered through live in person conferences and online summits.

Why is it important for women to understand key business and management skills? 

Women have been short-changed for a long time from being part of the business conversation. It’s time for us to take the matter into our own hands and create a lane for growth, strategy and consistent success. There are many powerful women in business now, but there should be many, many more and I’d like to think that the work that I’m doing through Smart Mommy and Single Moms Planet  will be a catalyst for that growth.

You also run Elevated Strategist, an agency. Tell us about it? 

It’s a marketing firm dedicated to educating business executives  about the importance of media, brand development and marketing in the modern world. It’s not enough to have a great product or service that can literally change the world. If you don’t market it correctly or connect with the media you will miss out on the vast majority of your audience.

How important is PR to business today?

 Most experts tell you that the media doesn’t want to hear your story. They tell you to just stay focused on building your social media growth.

And that’s exactly why you see so many women struggling to find their true voice in their personal life, business life and in the media. That needs to change.

The position you want to be in is getting media coverage with major news outlets who value your work and expertise. If your dream client doesn’t see you or your brand as an authority in your field, they’ll buy from someone who is instead. To be seen as an authority, you need to be talked about, be visible and get noticed. I help my clients create their media brand authority.

Starting and running a business isn’t easy, running multiple successful businesses is something else. What does it take to run multiple businesses? Are there any key attributes you can share from your experience? 

To run multiple businesses you must have a vision, create a plan and build a team around you that can implement that plan. Next you must become the Expert. You’ve got to offer your customers and clients insights and knowledge that no one else can. Also, having complete confidence that the advice you give is sound and that the products and services you offer are exactly what your audience needs. If you have complete confidence in your own expertise, your clients will too. Put simply – know your stuff!

Key advice for any woman starting a business today? 

Know Your Audience. You must ask yourself: Who is your target audience? What are their needs? What are their likes and dislikes? Where do they spend time online? What do they value?  

To curate a business people want to  support and be part of, you’ve got to know what they want. Get to know your audience so you can build the type of community that grabs and keeps their interest.

How would you define success? Have you been able to reach there?  

Success is an individual journey. My number one measure is my health. How I look and feel. Success to me is the foundation of the freedom of choice. Although I’ve been successful in many ways, I treat success not as a destination, but as a state of being. You must remind yourself “I am successful, and everything that I touch is part of the full circle of life.” 

From your experience, what are the key success factors for business today? 

Sell it before it’s built. I always pre-sell every product and program I launch. I want to connect to my demographic beforehand, so that my team and I don’t pour hundreds of hours into doing the work for something no one wants. This allows me to invest the money that was raised into the company I’m looking to build. 

Our readers especially single mums would like to know how you do it all. How do you manage to run the multiple businesses, be a mum and be the stellar woman you’re?

I take things one day at a time. I make it a point to do one thing that makes a difference in my life and one thing that makes a difference in my business every day. This is a key point. Stop allowing conversations that don’t involve your success into your life. But also study the innovators, the successful business people like Apple’s Steve Jobs, business investor Warren Buffet, Meg Whitman, who helped build eBay; Judy Faulkner, who founded a little software company now worth over $6 billion. You have to learn from the experts on how to be successful. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but you want to be in position to perfect it. 

Do you have a life mantra that you’re able to share with our readers? 

Don’t live your life in the grey zone. Be bold and take the initiative with the things you are passionate about. Do your homework and weigh the pros and cons and make decisions that give you the best chance to be successful. No one remembers the names of people who live in the grey.

If you were to meet your 15-year-old self, what message would you share with her? 

Don’t look back. You are making powerful choices, don’t second guess yourself and never take no for an answer. You got this!

Who is your ideal stellar woman? 

A woman that knows what she wants and has a plan on how she’s going to get it. 

What future do you envision for women? 

Being 100 percent comfortable with not giving a damn about what people think. Making smart money choices by becoming educated and by being coachable. 

Where do we see Neferteri Plessy in the next 5-10 years? 

In 5 – 10 years I will be living abroad, traveling the world and enjoying my family. I will also be expanding my investment portfolio. 

If you were given the magic ward to bring about any change in the world, what would that change be? 

Equal access to education for all including financial literacy education and mentorship.

The past many months have been challenging. What lessons have you learnt?

Don’t put your head in the sand. Pay attention to your industry and know how to pivot. Being able to make smart decisions is the key.

Do you celebrate often in life? Please elaborate.

Yes, I celebrate with prayer and praise for my life, my health and my family daily. I also love to celebrate with travel, a great night out with those I love and my online community of clients and supporters. 

The holiday celebration season is here. How do you intend to celebrate? 

My family and I will be taking a ski trip this holiday season. I am also supporting my community with an ice skating event and toy drive for single mothers and their children.

Is there anything you plan to do differently from previous years?

This year I am going to lean toward experience based versus gift based celebrating. 

What did Christmas mean to you as a child? Do you still hold that meaning? 

As a child I spent the holidays with family and attending church. It was a time to eat, laugh and drink hot chocolate with the ones I love. And of course, I was excited for my gift opening time. I still hold Christmas very close to my heart. 

What are your Christmas holiday rituals? How much planning do you have to put in place? 

My children love decorating the Christmas tree. I also enjoy wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve while eating chocolate chip cookies. It’s fun seeing my children enjoy these special childhood memories.

Please leave a celebration message for the Stellar Woman magazine readers. 

You were created for greatness, it’s time for your voice to be heard, I want you to go after everything you want in this lifetime with grace, style and power. You Are A Stellar Woman!

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