Friday, March 28

Self-leadership and its Importance to Leadership Development – Stella Olivia Kikoyo

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is power”- Lao Tzu“I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.” William Ernest HanleyThe above quotes provide a foundation of understanding that at the core or base of leadership development is self-leadership. Leaders exist in every company and at all levels; from the CEO to middle-level managers, to supervisors, and down to the individual, which means that everyone is a leader. It doesn’t matter the position one holds – whether they are junior associates leading a brainstorming meeting or middle managers leading others to a pitch or senior management heading to the board meeting. One needs to understand the need to develop oneself to be able to play their role in the whole team and achieve the desired team or corporate outcomes.  The aspect of self-leadership is also important for personal growth and fulfillment. It puts everyone in the driving seat of their personal and professional outcomes.This article looks at leadership in totality and covers both personal and professional aspects.It is underpinned by the understanding that you cannot lead others without leading yourself.Stella Olivia KikoyoThis article coversWhat self-leadership isKey aspects in the development of self-leadershipHow self-leadership supports the development of team/corporate leadershipWHAT IS SELF–LEADERSHIP?According to Bryant and Kazan 2012, “Self-leadership is the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feelings, and actions towards your objectives.” It involves developing a sense of who they are, what they can do, and where they are going, which includes the ability to influence communication, emotions, and behaviour to bring about impact.Self-leadership is about you and your qualities and your willingness to examine yourself and change those qualities for the better. It involves one being intentional in everything they do. To be empowered to own the outcomes of your life decisions and outcomes.This process…


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