Friday, March 7

Tag: Ann Justi

Strategies for Success in Your Goals for Personal Growth – Ann Justi

Strategies for Success in Your Goals for Personal Growth – Ann Justi

Write down twenty-two things for 2022 that you want and you think are hard. I know we are past the first quarter of 2022.  Just do it.  Dream big. Now decide on one action towards one of the goals. Set yourself up for success. If you don’t know where to start, look at how someone else did it and follow their example.  Success leaves clues.  If looking does not work for you, then ask.  Yes, it’s scary and most of the time you get a “no” - but sometimes, you will get a “yes,” and you’ll never get the “yes” if you never ask. What if it all worked out?  I recently was talking with a millionaire; no one famous, but someone who tried to achieve his family's dream for several years.  He said that the first ninety days are the hardest when you think ...
Am I Living My Life or Someone Else’s?
Mind & Body

Am I Living My Life or Someone Else’s?

If you look at all aspects of your life, are you living by your definitions, desires, values, and identification?  How often do you choose to behave, dress, purchase, or do (or not do) something because someone else wants that for you or to fit in? What do you give up in yourself to do that?  If you lived your life in a way that truly represents you, how would it look? We all conform to laws and various societal constraints to maintain a safe, sane, and consensual world.  We can examine where we can express and live our lives within that framework so as to better express who we truly wish to be. Some things to consider: Do you know what you want?Do your preferences conform to the expectations of your friends, family, or partner instead of your own?Can you make a ch...