Sunday, March 30

Tag: Farah Zaidi

The weather is improving and “SUMMER’’ is here! – Farah Zaidi
Beauty, Mind & Body, Wellness

The weather is improving and “SUMMER’’ is here! – Farah Zaidi

It is time to start changing the way we treat our skin. As we emerge into summer, our skin is exposed less to cold/dry air, more to higher moisture levels, more sunshine and warmer temperatures. This is a great time to change and update our skincare routine. To start off with, my favourite, SUNSCREEN! As the sun shines down on us, we need to increase the SPF rating in our skin care. Ideally, a minimum of SPF30 if going about our daily routines. Obviously if you plan to travel and go to warmer climates near the equator you should be opting for higher SPF and trying to avoid the sun at its peak between 11am - 3pm. Try and stay in the shade or at least use light clothing as cover up. I would also recommend to look for a ‘physical sunscreen’ which contains titanium or zinc oxide - the...