Tuesday, March 25

Tag: Issue 8

Welcome to issue 8: Courageous Decision Making
Mind & Body

Welcome to issue 8: Courageous Decision Making

It seems astonishing to me that we have come to issue 8. I very much remember discussing the start of the magazine with one of the Stellar Woman magazine team members and establishing the impact I wanted to bring to the world.  I had seen the light in many women but at the same time seen pain, doubt and questions that could just be resolved by knowledge. I knew I could do something about it. I could help to spread the light to others across the globe. The digital magazine idea was perfect. I asked for what it would require to start this and I have to admit that I was scared. This was a path I had never walked before.  I however focused on the why and realised that the desire burning in me outwitting my fears. I also knew I couldn’t really answer all the questions to start, I had to look wi...
The 5 Stages of Re-Inventing Yourself – Nicky Hassaballa
Business, Issue One 1

The 5 Stages of Re-Inventing Yourself – Nicky Hassaballa

How many times have you ever said, ‘this year, I will….?’ Yet, that thing you talk about all the time and say you want so badly either never happens, or that initial excitement leads to a false start. We make these promises to ourselves because there is a voice within us, a knowing, that this thing must happen, go away, or change for our overall betterment. It’s not that we don’t want whatever it is that we promised, wished, or prayed for, but for some reason, it keeps eluding us and we are back in the loop of just falling short. Even me writing down these words took me a multitude of attempts to get to putting pen to paper.  I have the vision, the ideas, and maybe even the outline in my mind.  I continuously ask myself why it takes so long to really start?  The sym...
The Power of Silence – Stella Olivia Kikoyo
Issue One 4, Mind & Body

The Power of Silence – Stella Olivia Kikoyo

"Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom” - Francis Bacon How does a prolonged period of total silence whilst you’re awake feel like to you? Would you come out feeling bored or lonely or would it be completely unbearable? Life is noisy. We live in a world full of noise and chatter. The modern world is filled with our daily routines that are inundated with distractions and responsibilities. There seems to be something going on in every moment of life. There’s always some form of noise. What noise can you hear right now? Take a moment and listen. Is it TV or radio? Could it be children playing? Is it people having a chat in the background or an air conditioner humming? Or a dog backing? I can hear one right now.  However it isn’t just sounds that I am referring to as noise. ...
Skincare lessons From My Mother’s Garden – Barbara Osei
Beauty, Issue One 3

Skincare lessons From My Mother’s Garden – Barbara Osei

As a child all I wanted to do was sit on the veranda and read a book. It was cool and mostly quiet in a home full of boys. Another thing I loved to do, was to walk around my mother’s tropical garden and pick her flowers, definitely not her roses! I would pick hibiscus and bougainvillea petals among others. We would use an orange flower with a strong long green stem, excellent for sword fights with my brothers. Sorry, I don’t know its name. The petals I would put in water hoping to make perfumes. I wasn’t successful. Best of all, we would suck the nectar from these precious flowers. Living in our gated home, we were protected. Surrounded by the beauty that nature offers, one is bound to take it for granted. Mangos and avocados so creamy you could simply slather on your face. Little did I...
This is why Roberta Annan is a multifaceted businesswoman
Business, Issue One 4

This is why Roberta Annan is a multifaceted businesswoman

Businesswoman, investor, philanthropist… Roberta Annan has many strings to her bow. Passionate about fashion, she founded the African Fashion Foundation in 2011, as well as the “Impact Fund for creative industries” in 2021, two initiatives aimed at supporting the fashion industry in Africa. The Ghanaian is a United Nations Environment Program Goodwill Ambassador for the creative economy. Highly committed to the empowerment of women, but also to solving several social problems in Africa, Roberta Annan is one of the most influential businesswomen on the continent. With a degree in biochemistry from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada and a master’s degree in biotechnology from Georgetown University in the United States, she began her career as an intern at the United Nations, det...
Don’t Let the Fear of Failure Hold you back – Beth Lapides
Business, Thriving

Don’t Let the Fear of Failure Hold you back – Beth Lapides

Beth is the creator, host and executive producer of the legendary and revolutionary UnCabaret which she has shepherded through 25 + years of weekly live shows, TV, CD’s, streaming and touring. UnCabaret has been called a ‘comedy be in’ by Rolling Stone. Vanity Fair said there's ‘Nothing cooler’. Variety called UnCab’s 25th anniversary show “a triumph!” and UnCabaret a ‘progressive comedy institution.’ The LA Times called Beth the ‘godmother of alternative comedy’. And Vulture says UnCabaret has ‘a magical life giving mystique and hilarious storytelling’. Beth is also the author of the critically acclaimed original audio book, So You Need To Decide, published by Recorded Books. Available everywhere audiobooks are. Get it on Amazon here! So You Need to Decide was ...
Full body strengthening exercises with Diana Mamedova
Issue One 3, Mind & Body, Wellness

Full body strengthening exercises with Diana Mamedova

Strength training is also known as weight training, resistance training, and muscular training. The general definition of strength training is any physical movement in which you use your body weight or equipment (e.g., dumbbells and resistance bands) to build muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Fortunately, bodyweight exercises don't require a dedicated gym, so you can fit in a workout whenever you have some spare time, wherever you are. Click the VIDEOS below to start your body strengthening Journey https://youtu.be/1WsdjptA2B4 https://youtu.be/tZs6ARG7onI https://youtu.be/R2Hwvm1TZwI https://youtu.be/aSa-X8FUcpI My name is Diana. I’m 29 years old.  I’ve been doing sports for 17 years, I did ballet then I went to dancing school, and then I got i...
The Importance of Nutrition- Dr Diana Martin Gotcher
Issue One 3, Mind & Body, Wellness

The Importance of Nutrition- Dr Diana Martin Gotcher

Nutrition is arguably one of, if not THE most important measure of health and longevity. Diet fads and obsession over the physical “look” of our bodies have overshadowed the importance of fueling the cells with the most nutrient dense foods on the planet…raw, whole foods! No matter your dietary preferences, the facts remain the same. Research shows that plant foods, eaten in their most natural state, offer the highest quality of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants essential for health and longevity. There is a vast difference between living in survival mode and thriving with abundant energy! Raw plant foods are easily digested and assimilated by the body. When we consume food that our body recognizes as usable fuel, we will feel energetic, and function optimally. Bei...
The Power Of Decisions Survey
Issue One 4, Opinion, Thriving

The Power Of Decisions Survey

We asked several people to share with us decisions that they have made that have had a big impact in their lives. Could you answer the same question for yourself? Could you please share the one decision that you have made that you believe has had a great impact on your life?Mastermind teamThe decision to shift my mindset. It all started there. Having the right mindset will make you see the world differently and positively.WoodieBecoming a child of God is worth more to me than all the silver and goldRachna R JInvesting in myselfAnna T BodinMarrying my husband.Applying to Harvard.Building my own business.All three were life-changing!Nicole Amy L.Morning to KoreaNatalie J WStopped drinking  5 years ago, it has had a phenomenal effect on my life Terri MI decided to teach. I decided that eve...
Real Estate Tips from Gretchen Casey
Business, Issue One 1

Real Estate Tips from Gretchen Casey

Real estate investing can seem overwhelming. The rewards can be great, so it's worth considering to grow your wealth, develop as a person, and have a great time while doing it. Here are the steps to the process: Determine your "Why" Figure out where you are now financially and personally, you may be surprised that you qualify for more than you think or can use strategies to increase the mortgage amount you are approved for Include your partner in the process (how much so can vary) Consult with experts including Mortgage Agents, Realtors, Coaches, other investors, Financial Advisors, Lawyers, Accountants, and Property Managers Work backwards - from the end goal to the first steps Choose your strategy: buy and hold, flip, short-term rental, etc. Choose your location t...
Your Guide to Chic Year-Round Office and Workwear Style
Fashion, Issue One 3

Your Guide to Chic Year-Round Office and Workwear Style

Finding the perfect workwear can be tricky. Especially when you’re trying to find office wear for women that will work for you throughout the year. Say goodbye to daily dressing dilemmas by having the basic staples like blazers, skirts, trousers, blouses and day dresses that you can easily dress up and down to fit the business occasion you are attending. Stock up on wardrobe staples and browse through the looks below for chic business and women work style inspiration to create a curated wardrobe that suits every business and work occasion you might attend this year. See looks below: View this post on Instagram A post shared by THE CURATED (@shopthecurated) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Blake Gifford (@signedblake) ...
Fear into Desire into Action – Ann Justi
Issue One 1, Mind & Body

Fear into Desire into Action – Ann Justi

I used to have an overwhelming job doing technical operations which I responded to my day with fear: What was going to break next?, What deadline might I have to miss?,  How was this workload and schedule going to affect my relationships?, How am I going to get all this done?, etc. My desire was for no disasters and perhaps a day that wasn’t leaving me exhausted at the end. My action was to get as much done as possible and prioritize the situation hour by hour or even minute by minute. What a desire for a business of my own? It was too scary. It was too out of my reach because I didn’t know how to get there. It was too big. Add any of your own fears that you may have imagined for yourself. I finally reached a point where something had to give. I started a meditation practice. T...
The only limits are the ones you set for yourself – June Dennis
Business, Thriving

The only limits are the ones you set for yourself – June Dennis

June Dennis has two amazing careers - in marketing and higher education. After working in marketing and PR management roles for a decade, June Dennis started to teach professional courses in the evenings and got the teaching bug. She has over 25 years experience in higher education, and now in senior management roles. She is a leading specialist in academic partnerships with significant knowledge of the Higher Education sector, curriculum design and development and student experience. She is also a chair of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Board, a marketing NED & board advisor, expert witness, a business trainer and coach. June is on a mission to help small businesses succeed through accessing the full power of marketing and not just social media. in this chat with Stellar Woma...
5 Leadership Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg to help you in decision making.
Business, Issue one 5, Thriving

5 Leadership Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg to help you in decision making.

Self-Perception Plays a Key Role in Success Leadership starts at the top, setting the tone and establishing the code of conduct and goals for the business and its employees… But leaders also need to listen to feedback. If your company isn’t thriving as you want it to, you could be part of the problem. Are you making the right decisions? Do you trust your ideas enough? Are you decisive enough? Confidence is important if you want to lead a company to success. Trusting your ideas and skills leads to better decisions. However, truthful feedback is important too – and this can’t happen without engaging your employees. Talking to all your employees, regardless of departments or status, can provide a big-picture view of how you handle things. It can provide a boost of confidence and cha...
5 Tips for Courageous Decision Making – Anna Wintour
Business, Issue one 5, Thriving

5 Tips for Courageous Decision Making – Anna Wintour

When it comes to taking risks, Anna Wintour is a firm believer in provoking a conversation, having a strong point of view, trusting your own instincts, and learning from your mistakes. Here are five tips from Anna Wintour on making decisions and taking risks. Expect the unexpected. Anna Wintour’s first American Vogue cover was very different from those that preceded it: The photo crop was wider; the model was not looking directly at the camera; the clothing had a casual sensibility, mixing a Christian Lacroix couture top with Guess jeans. In other words, it made a statement and spoke to what Anna wanted to convey, which was that fashion can be accessible, spontaneous, and fun. Ironically, that particular photo was never intended to be a cover. But as soon as Anna saw the image, s...
My Journey to Limitless –  Uma Subramanian
Issue One 1, Thriving

My Journey to Limitless –  Uma Subramanian

Rising above our circumstances, recognizing our limitless potential, and living the life we want Flashback to July 2022, when I made the courageous decision to quit my full-time job, where I was heading two business groups, reporting to a C-Suite executive. It was not something I decided on a whim or an impulse – there had been growing feelings of being excluded, overlooked, and not taken seriously since I started reporting to this new manager. However, things reached a tipping point during an official meeting when I was blatantly disrespected and devalued in front of my peers. In the past, I would have likely been caught up in self-doubt and misery as I tried to figure out what went wrong; however, this time around, it felt different.  As soon as this happened, I knew that ...
Growing Your Business: Top Tips for a Successful Strategy – Monica Bradley
Business, Thriving

Growing Your Business: Top Tips for a Successful Strategy – Monica Bradley

Monica Bradley is a multiple-award winning mortgage broker and the founder of Cheam-based firm, MB Associates. Monica took the brave step to go self-employed at the age of 21 and has never looked back. She shares her top tips for setting a business strategy and taking risks that pay off. I’m often asked how I first decided on a strategy for my business. I used a simple method. I had a clear idea of where I wanted to be and worked my way back from there, mapping out the steps I’d need to take to achieve my goal. I’ve been self-employed for a long time. I took a leap of faith at the age of 21 and decided to go for it as I didn’t want to work for anyone else. Over the years, I’ve grown my company by recruiting more talent into the business and hiring people who share the same values...
7 Ways To Build Leadership Presence – Divya Parekh
Business, Issue one 5

7 Ways To Build Leadership Presence – Divya Parekh

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a corporate professional or managing a team or leading a department, getting people on board with your vision will increase the odds of success for your vision. Your reputation and leadership presence are built over time-not by one moment of genius or one big idea. You can’t command respect and influence people to follow you unless you know how to create the right image, build trust, and earn people’s allegiance. Building a leadership presence means more than putting your name on the door. It also means showing up, consistently delivering significant results, and leading by example. This article shares 7 ways to build leadership presence, regardless of your title or position within an organization or entrepreneurship. 1. Be the expert in your fie...