Sunday, October 6

Tag: Mother's Day

Welcome to Our First Ever Mother’s Day Special Edition
Mother's Day

Welcome to Our First Ever Mother’s Day Special Edition

The Stellar Mother, You’re just that! Happy Mother’s Day to You!! Welcome to our first ever Mother’s day special edition. It is very exciting to be bringing it to you all our lovely stellar subscribers. This edition has come as result of an enquiry from our own cover woman Neferteri Plessy, which I shared with the Stellar Woman Magazine team. Their response was, “Let’s do it,” there was no hesitation whatsoever. Since many of our readers are mothers, there was no better way to honour their stellar performance and contribution to mother earth and the universe. This special edition brings forth deeper love similar to a mother’s love. The common word in all the contributions we received is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Jo D explores what ‘Pure love’ is; how even if you are an adopted child you...
A Prayer For My Mama – Stella Olivia Kikoyo
Mother's Day

A Prayer For My Mama – Stella Olivia Kikoyo

In my mother I get to experience YOUR love – Father. Glory to YOU God the Almighty for this love that is so pure and selfless. You have blessed me with a precious gift of a mother, which I cannot take for granted. I am full of gratitude and continue to count my blessings. You oh Lord have blessed my Mama and I  with the opportunity to share so many life experiences including one special one of being a mother. I get to tap from her wisdom. You blessed my mother with the opportunity  to see all my babies arrive into this world and have their first baths by her. This is priceless! You have blessed us with a strong bond that can only be experienced by a mother and daughter. I am lucky to experience this love with my own daughter. Although she is still 9, we are able to carry...
Why Mother’s Day Means a Great Deal to Me
Mother's Day

Why Mother’s Day Means a Great Deal to Me

Motherhood, to me, is still the most complex role ever. To even refer to it as a role sucks some truth out of my statement. For one to be placed in a position where they have to love unconditionally, care without compromise and give selflessly, is something I have high respect for. Just like all of us, I have had many personal experiences which, for lack of a better word, made me believe that I had a ‘Superwoman’ in my life. As a child, I wanted to be the best writer in the world. Already, at 14, I had written two short stories, which I wanted to submit to a publishing house. I had no idea what it took to make this happen and so did my mother. Because I was in boarding school, I would communicate to her via a public pay phone, which we would access only during school breaks. First, I...
What Motherhood Means to Me – Jo D
Mother's Day

What Motherhood Means to Me – Jo D

Motherhood is such an emotional topic.  Leading up to Mother’s Day, I, like many, reflect on motherhood and what it means to me, both as a daughter and as a mother.  I was adopted at birth, never having any other mother than the woman who raised me. She is, and will forever be, the only mother I know.  I was raised by a strong woman who made me feel so special about being adopted.  My parents wanted a child so desperately and I grew up feeling that. I was wanted and loved.  I never felt “other” or that I didn’t belong. I want to be very clear on that point.  I never felt I was missing something. I did, however, feel some disdain for the woman that gave me up.  How could that be?  How could a mother give a child away?  I did not have very much respect for the birth mother. Fast forwa...
5 Principles For Moms in Business to Connect With A Premium Audience – Neferteri Plessy
Mother's Day

5 Principles For Moms in Business to Connect With A Premium Audience – Neferteri Plessy

My alarm rang at 5 a.m. non-stop as I popped out of bed for my first early morning zoom phone call. My house was completely silent as the video app asked me to accept the fact that I am being recorded. Then it hit me. I had not built a business based on my family values and my lifestyle. I built a business influenced by sleep deprivation, a worried mind and exhausted idea of what being a mom and business owner was all about. I needed to make a shift and fast. I began to pay close attention to the way I attracted premium clients with ease and it all began with connecting with a premium audience. Success in business is about more than merely putting your products and services on the market and hoping prosperity will follow. You need to form a real, meaningful connection with your po...
Mother, Mother by Monique Duell
Mother's Day

Mother, Mother by Monique Duell

With the strength of ten men as an army of one We were created to carry daughters and sons With the breath of God, we were spoken into existence Fearfully and wonderfully made like Abba, it’s no coincidence Built ford tough to be fruitful and multiply Anointed to replenish the earth and wipe the tears from the world’s eyes Hands calloused, fingers tired, wounded, and weary No sleep, babies gotta eat, trying to think clearly Working job after job just to make a dollar Laboring twice as hard as our male counterparts Breaking the bias because our greatness is a threat Here by design, one of a kind, always got your back We are the expression of God in human flesh Clothed in power, strength, wisdom, and righteousness Mothers are the gift tha...
A Stellar MOTHER – Pearl Kasujja
Mother's Day

A Stellar MOTHER – Pearl Kasujja

When it comes to days that honour special relationships, Mother’s Day is one of the most, if not THE most, popular of such days because of all humans that add value to our lives – fathers, siblings, grandparents, friends - a mother is pretty special. Mothers (at least the majority of them) are the embodiment of selfless love, bonding, dedication and devotion and to acknowledge and honour that role and presence, Mother's Day is celebrated across more than 46 countries in the world. Mothers are special every day. Why do we need a special day to celebrate them? Many of us have watched that video where people think they are in an interview for a unique job position. The candidates all think that they are interviewing for the fancy-sounding ‘director of operations’ job. However, they a...
Healing Through Motherhood – Leesun
Mother's Day

Healing Through Motherhood – Leesun

I always thought I would be a great mum. An amazing mum. I wouldn’t cause pain to my child, the way my mother had caused me. I would give my child everything I had craved but never received: freedom independence loads of art supplies lots of cake self confidence My child would be the happiest child ever. And so grateful to have me as their mum. It was a bit of shock to find when my baby was born that it was impossible to make him be happy all the time. I suffered a lot, whenever he was unhappy. And the more I suffered, the unhappier he became. It took me a long time to learn what a heavy burden it is, to not be allowed to feel what you feel, to be required to be happy all the time in order to make things okay for your parent. Children don’t need to be happ...
5 Songs to Play For Your Mum During Mother’s Day
Mother's Day

5 Songs to Play For Your Mum During Mother’s Day

How do you plan to express gratitude to the most special woman in your life? Mothers deserve everything; gifts, love, care and lots more. As you unwrap all the special gifts you have for your mum today, here's a playlist to add a little touch of 'special'. Happy Mother's Day