Friday, March 7

The 3 Simple Whys’ of Storytelling That Captivate And Convince – Divya Parekh

A story can be defined as a sequence of events that form a sequence of ideas. In other words, a story is a series of

connected events which reveals a pattern or an underlying meaning. Good stories reveal patterns or themes that help us understand the world around us. Great stories, on the other hand, reveal themes and patterns that help us understand ourselves and our place in the world. In today’s world, people don’t necessarily buy from or do business with companies; they do business with people.

1. Just like stories can help build an organization so can your stories of trials and triumphs help build your brand.

People are a company’s most important asset. Therefore, if your people are weak, the rest of your company is apt to suffer. People are the raw material from which companies are shaped. They are the blood, the muscle, the sinew, the nerve, and the spirit of the organization. People are its soul. And like a good soul, people need to be cared for, nurtured, and protected. And so must stories. Great stories can help build and protect a company’s human assets and brand. It’s critical that you use stories of your journey to connect and nurture your audience.

2. Good stories can influence people to change their behaviour and even alter their DNA.

Stories have the power to connect with people on an emotional level. Stories have the amazing ability to move people to action. They help us connect with each other and understand what it is like to be someone else. They are a powerful way to teach, influence, and inspire. Our stories help us make sense of our world and ourselves.

3. Storytelling does the marketing for you

Storytelling is the oldest form of marketing. It has been used by every culture in every time in history. The purpose of storytelling is to create an experience. A good story will cause you to feel something. It will give you a glimpse into the heart and soul of the person telling the story. Great stories have the ability to connect you to your customers. They have the power to move you and make you care.

They have the advantage of being “credible” and “relatable.” Once you learn to tell great stories, you’ll find that they are a valuable tool:

·        to get your point across

·        to increase your influence

·        to solve problems

·        to heal relationships

·        to create a better life

·        to create transformation

·        to grow your business

·        to get new clients

People don’t buy from you; they buy “with” you. They need to believe you are on their side. They need to know you have their back. They need to trust you.

2. When you understand this, you will be able to create stories (in your mind) that move your prospects from “like you” to “love you.” It’s an inside-out transformation.

Stories can be told through written, audio, or video formats. Written stories in the form of a book with the right structure are the easiest to complete.

Contact us about how to get started with storytelling!

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