“Try to live your life in a way that you will not regret years of useless virtue, inertia, timidity.” – Maya Angelou
Upon launching Issue 1 of Stellar Woman Magazine, I experienced a great thrill that my dream and vision was out in the world and no longer in my head or on paper. It still brings a smile during my high and low points – in this cycle of life! However, it didn’t take long before I started to contemplate how Issue 2 would be; the theme, who I will be interviewing and who would be on the cover page. I also needed some inspiration to get going! Then came the Olympics! What a great way to be inspired by these thriving sports women and men. I hope you were inspired as well.
The World is an oyster for those who decide to see it that way. I have been taken aback by the success of Stellar Woman magazine. I honestly didn’t expect the world to open up as much as it has and so quickly. Technology is making things possible, bringing many dreams within reach. The pandemic notwithstanding, its mischief has grown the online community creating conditions for magazines like Stellar Woman to thrive. Anyone can connect with anyone with relative ease. Suffice to say, the world has been like this for a while – with LinkedIn, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and all but many of us have just woken up to that reality.
More recently, Clubhouse opened, and it is a “hot cake” for those that have embraced it. I am not as frequent a visitor as I would like to be, but for an editor of a magazine looking for success stories, it is the perfect hunting ground. Stellar Woman magazine is about spreading thriving women’s stories, knowledge, and experiences! I challenge you to share your stories whether you are in the field of education, medicine, marketing, performing arts, or mothering at home and, social media platforms enhance the possibility. There are powerful lessons to be learnt from the women in this Issue 2, who are leading and thriving in their different fields.
This issue is fronted by Sharon Lechter, whom I was privileged to meet through clubhouse. Interviewing Sharon has been a tremendous honour, what a privilege to bring her into the Stellar Woman Magazine community and I shall forever express my gratitude to her. Coincidentally, I met her in clubhouse on the same day when I had just started reading Think and Grow Rich for Women. She was introduced to the audience in the room, and I thought that is my author! There was so much I wanted to learn from Sharon, having read Rich Dad Poor Dad and Outwitting the devil. A high-profile thriving woman like her would contribute to the further empowerment of our readers – help them dream big and learn what it takes to get there, especially around mindset. I also contemplated asking Sharon to be the cover page woman for Issue 2 and when I made the approach in due course, to my surprise and elation – she accepted!

There is a lot to learn from the interview with Sharon. I have revisited it over and over again. She shares her childhood experiences, her business take-off and growth stages and recent opportunities. She also opens a window into her thought process and what has got her where she is today. Her ‘why not’ life mantra is one you might just run away with. She is down to earth, amicable and powerful. She reveals her own ideal stellar woman attributes that are arguably a reflection of her. She believes in taking action no matter what and explains in detail her tested success formula.
All the women interviewed and covered in this issue have similar drive and perception to life. They have had to overcome a number of challenges including fears, doubts, and health challenges. They have had to develop growth mindsets that see possibilities. There’s something for everyone to take away, it could be a life mantra, life lessons, morning routines, messages to younger self or the challenge each woman left for the readers.
JoD Livingston’s story will most likely inspire you to start living life to the fullest. She completed her Iron Man challenge and has had to pivot her life and recreate the woman she is today with gratitude to having been given a second chance to life. Joanne Hurley worked as a lawyer for several years but today she’s a leading children’s author living the dream of her life. Zara Cane’s story will make you realise that life is short. If you know what you want, you will need to believe in yourself and go for it. Her rule is: you shouldn’t spend any other moment on a job you don’t like! Lisa Rueff’s story will teach you how to align your life and live from the heart. If social media is your next level up which should be, you will inspired to shift your thinking by what Mildred Talabi and Samantha Kelly have achieved.
The backgrounds of the women covered are diverse; we have women in technology, marketing, communications, business, medicine, sports, financial services, arts and creative industry, law and others.
Stories from magazines or even just the cover pages have been known to inspire dreams. Michaela DePrince, a world renowned ballerina dancer was inspired by the picture of a ballerina dancer on a magazine cover page which she ripped off and carried around with her. Arnold Schwarzenegger too was inspired by a magazine cover of Reg Park and his story of transitioning from Mr. Universe to acting Hercules. Arnold believes if it wasn’t for Reg Park’s story he would still be yodelling in the Austrian Alps. I think so too. Stellar Woman magazine is here to do the same; to bring you to the realisation of what is possible for you through these stories.
I believe in spreading impactful and thriving stories that inspire others to make a change. Stellar Woman magazine has provided me with that platform to do so. I believe if only we have a curious mind, if only we endeavour to learn from others, we will be able to move into our limitless potential and thrive. Use the stories in this issue to open your eyes to see what you need to see, use the stories to think and create a bigger vision for your life, use them to move towards your dreams and be the stellar woman you were meant to be.
Empower yourself and thrive with articles and videos in the mind and body section; covering mindful eating, gut health, hormonal balance, intimate fertility and wellness. Spice it up with content in the fashion and beauty section or move to money and business and learn one or two success and growth strategies.
Continue to enhance the power of association as coined by Sharon. This has been pivotal to all the interviewees’ success. It explains why the Inspiring Women for Aspiring Women’s club exists. To ensure that as aspiring women, we can remain on the path and thrive… that’s what we all want from life.
Stellar Woman magazine is about embracing it all. “If you like to go fast, go alone, if want to go far, go together.” African Proverb
Share, Shine and be Stellar!
Good reading!
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Stella Olivia Kikoyo
Publisher/ Editor-in-chief
Stella Olivia Kikoyo is a Chartered Marketer and Fellow of Higher Education UK. A Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Chartered Marketing professional tutor and Strategic Intervention life and business coach and Business Trainer and a director and consultant at 360Stellar Coaching, Training & Consultancy and also founder of Inspiring Women Aspiring Women (IWAW Club).