Friday, March 28

Welcome to issue 8: Courageous Decision Making

It seems astonishing to me that we have come to issue 8. I very much remember discussing the start of the magazine with one of the Stellar Woman magazine team members and establishing the impact I wanted to bring to the world.  I had seen the light in many women but at the same time seen pain, doubt and questions that could just be resolved by knowledge. I knew I could do something about it. I could help to spread the light to others across the globe. The digital magazine idea was perfect. I asked for what it would require to start this and I have to admit that I was scared. This was a path I had never walked before.  I however focused on the why and realised that the desire burning in me outwitting my fears. I also knew I couldn’t really answer all the questions to start, I had to look within and have the courage to start. Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you hardly have enough knowledge and have no one then know that it is time to look within you in there lies the guiding light waiting for you to tap into it. Although I continue to feel scared, I also know that I am not walking this journey alone. Never have I been. There’s always someone to breathe new fresh air, new energy, new light and new perspective. All the women interviewed, the Stellar Woman team, my family and friends and you our amazing subscribers are making it happen.

Life is full of moments of decisions. This is a fact. Your life is a decision – to be.  A decision to read this, is a decision. Some decisions are made without thinking hard about them as they have less implications to our lives or businesses. However, there’re decisions that we must make that have big implications. Decisions that are going to shake and reshape our lives or businesses.  They are tough and risky. These’re the decisions that we will be referring to when we talk about COURAGEOUS DECISION MAKING.

It could be a decision, to bring a life, a decision to leave a country and start afresh, a decision to start a new career, go back to university even with little ones, a decision to leave a relationship, a decision to start a new product or service offering for a business, an acquisition, a merger, to invest in new stock or business, a decision to start a business or to end a business. They are all decisions.

The word courage changes everything. Courage is the ability to do something the frightens you. Something that takes you away from your comfortable zone. This is at the core of the mission of the Stellar Woman magazine. To empower you to move beyond your comfort zone so that you can grow and thrive in your personal life and business. These stories and knowledge shared can bring about new perspective in terms of what is possible for you. So that you can believe and say “If she did that so can I.”

Not deciding can also be costly like in many situations we find ourselves in. There’s always an opportunity cost. So learn to make a decision to do or not and move forward.  

Our hesitations come from experiences of bad decisions. Yes bad decisions can damage one’s life, business and career. However, whether it is a bad decision or not, the stellar women interviewed have affirmed the need to make that decision and make it timely is key and then move on so that you can learn from that as well.

What decision are you contemplating? Is it a personal decision or a career decision? The hesitation isn’t as you will learn because of the limited information or the inability to weigh the costs and benefits but many times on the faculty of the mind of the decision maker.

All the women interviewed have had clear moments of decision making, whether it meant leaving a long term successful career to a more meaningful and passion driven career, or leaving a marriage, taking a bold step like taking an infant into the interview room, stepping up and taking a higher position that they were scared to take, starting businesses and ending businesses, moving into mergers or stepping down to ensure that they get a balance in their lives and many more. I have been fascinated and I am completely empowered by their stories and knowledge. I don’t think I will be the same person again.

Our Cover Woman is Tina Baker (aka Tina B) is a singer/songwriter, a lawyer qualified in both England and Wales and USA and businesswoman. You will learn how she moved from music to law. Becoming a partner at Brown Rudnick, then co-founding JAG Shaw Baker a lawyer firm representing venture capital funds and emerging companies on international finances, exits and commercial transactions, then merging with Withers Tech, and today serving as a consultant there and back to full time studio work as song writer and a singer. In all the series of these adventures Tina has asked “What is the worst that could happen?” Tina challenges you with the same question.  

June Dennis’s story will reveal to you what inner strength means. June although had a speech impediment, was timid and shy, tapped into her love for teaching , communication and marketing and today is serving in different top teaching capacities in Higher education, also as a chair of Chartered Institute of Marketing board, an expert witness trainer, a marketer, consultant, a NED, mentor, wife, mother and more. Her decision to take her 3 weeks baby (27 years ago) to an interview since she didn’t have childcare is one that left my mouth gapping. It enabled me to understand the notion “The only limits are the ones we set for ourselves” as I believe I would never have done that even 2 years ago. I would today with more confidence after being empowered by what June did 27 years ago.  June and I had so much in common so we went over and beyond and covered all areas of life, womanhood, motherhood, academia, marketing, business and mentorship.  Don’t miss her guide on choices for you or your child after sixth form.

Beth Lapides who is an author –“So You Need to decide”, A TV host and producer, Comedian, creative coach and more. Beth provides lots of wisdom to get you in new a mode of thinking. I think this particular interview was a personal development seminar seminar session.  You will need a notebook. You cannot be the same after listening to what she has to say about courageous decision making. Beth has shared some of her experience with us after interviewing so many people about decision making. Two of the aspects from this interviewed that have stayed with me are that in the comedian world the bigger the pain, the funnier it is. In this Beth empowers us to have the courage to fail. Beth also talked about the use of the serenity prayer. Please say it with me “GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE, THE COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.”

We are thrilled to add more to the Stellar Woman magazine body of knowledge. We have and welcome new expert contributors. We have Uma Subramanian in the business and leadership section, Diana Martin-Gotcher in health and wellbeing (body), Barbara Osei – Skin and beauty and Gretchen Casey in the Money and Business as a real Estate Investment Expert.

We continue to be grateful for all generous expert contributors. Don’t miss great knowledge on decision making from our Monica Bradley – Money and Business expert, Divya Parekh Authority Positioning expert, Stella Kikoyo as a Business and Leadership expert, Christine Neal our running expert, Diana Mamedova – stretching expert, Kim Vopni – intimate feminine health expert, Ann L Justi – mind and personal development expert, Stella Kikoyo in the mind session. There’s something you learn from.

Make courageous decisions in 2023 and thrive! Remember to share with us which part of the issue that has impacted your life and win the Stellar Woman merch.

Wishing you all a happy read

From me and the amazing Stellar Woman team

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