Monday, March 31

What is fear? By Stella Olivia Kikoyo

By Stella Olivia Kikoyo Have you ever missed an opportunity – personal or business due to fear?Have you missed out of any opportunity for growth during these uncertain times due to fear? You’re not alone.  Clearly many businesses and entrepreneurs start and get out of business. 80% of businesses survive the first year. However only 50% survive the five-year mark and only one in three small businesses get to the 10-year mark and live on ( There’re many reasons for this including lack of strategy, lack of alignment with the current environment, lack of financial support etc. However, it is stated that the inability to push through fears, persevere and push through stresses is the actual cause of failure.Businesses are more of the spiritual aspect and involve several emotions on a daily basis and thus our ability to manage emotions is important.Fear is universal and affects everyone in one-way or another. However fear is learned like any other behavior. Don’t let fear rob your dreams.“Yesterday is but a dream, Tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope, Look well, therefore, to this day from the Sanscrit.” Napoleon Hill in Laws of Success.What is fear?  Fear is false evidence appearing real.Fear is a primal emotion and a response of our brain to a perceived threat whether the threat is physical or imagined.  It is a warning system that prevents us from danger and causes us to fight, flight or freeze.Learning to overcome fear is one of the greatest achievements for growth – personal, professional and business. Not all fear is negative. Fear of physical danger is always helpful. It prevents us from being run over by a car, being attacked by a dog or human being. Fear is there…


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