Saturday, March 29

What is That one Book That Has Had an Impact on Your Life and Why?

We asked 20 Stellar Women to share one book that has had an impact on their life. The result was a potential book club that we all need to be a part of. Browse through their choices, your next ‘best read ever’ is definitely right here.

Katey CronerUnlimited Power

Marina CabreraBible. It’s like a sword that frees you from false teachings, people and a mirror that keeps you in check so you don’t become part of that.

Maria N. AngelovaYou Can Heal Your Life

Orly WillsThe biology of belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. That book, when I read it in 2012, it really opened my eyes.

Cindy CastanedaThe Seat of the Soul for personal growth because it helped me to realize that there is a blessing in my life and we are all important.

Magda GőrgényiBoosting loose from the money game

Sheila Boston O’BrienWhen I say no I feel guilty.

Vallerie JaneBible. It opened my eyes about our origin, the reasons for all the hectic in this world. It opened my eyes about our purpose in life, the life of hereafter and the fact that miracles exist.

Andrea JenkinsEAT PRAY LOVE

Gloria Patreace Hanselmann-Leenhouwers – The Bible because it gives hope

Cindy CastanedaThe Seat of the Soul because it helped me to realize there is a blessing in my life & we are all important.

Angela Lynn BaerthelThe age of reason by Thomas Paine. I felt less alone after reading it.

Jit SunshineAs a Man Thiketh.👍🤟

Norita J. HowardThe Bible

Arianna UguccioniA Course in Miracles

Kimberly LebbingA Course in Miracles!

Tracy FihrerUnlimited power I’ll never forgot it, attended Tony Robbins event, and have done so much developmental work and pursued excellent strategies since

Nawal HababiQuraan

Dane PhillipsThe way to Love

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