Thursday, March 27

Why Should You Write a Brand Building Book – Divya Parekh

Question: Why Should YOU Write A Brand-Building Book?

There is nothing that can build your brand quite like a well-written book.

I know that sounds all nice and sweet, but I wish I knew that back in the day! When I first started, I couldn’t seem to catch a break, no matter what I did, I kept getting knocked down over and over again and It seemed like every sales call would fall flat, I hardly had any conversions.

Prospects would come into meetings and I could not point out where I fell short and I tell you what….getting nos from people impacts self-esteem and I felt like crap!

The problem? No credibility. Potential clients liked me and my work but were looking for a body of work I had done, I had experience, but I could not share it in a way that builds authority.

Despite all that I offered, I had nothing to show for it But then – I got curious and bold. I tried something different. I wrote my first few books and when I showed up at meetings, I brought my books with me.

And guess what? I was one of the few ones, so at first, it was rather awkward, I felt like a weirdo!

Business colleagues and prospects would glance and try to investigate what I was up to, but people started expressing interest, they wanted to know about my books and Curiosity sparked conversations. People started reading my books. And my books did the marketing for me.

The more books I write and the more I hone my skills, the more I establish my brand!

People approach me mostly for business, there’s a lot I can say about what being an author does for a leader or an entrepreneur. But here is a bit of what I can say…

1) It creates opportunity.

Writing brand-building books opens doors for:

  • mainstream press interviews with major networks
  • invitations to speaking engagements on nationally recognized stages
  • increased client base
  • and the ability to charge higher rates on products and services
  • attract new clients

2) It endows you with authority.

Writing brand-building books will establish you as an authority over certain topics.

3) It lets the world know that you are an expert in your field.

Writing brand-building books will allow you to become a go-to knowledge expert within your niche. 

I mean, if you are in charge, think about it. Why shouldn’t you be go-to-person?

You’ve the experience! You have the expertise.

If I could do it, so can you.

4) It will set you apart from entrepreneurs who haven’t written a book.

Most people are of the opinion that authors are experts on their topic.

People take authorpreneurs seriously.

5) It will help you share your message with many.

If you are passionate about helping many, then a book is definitely the way to get your message to many.

6) It will enable you to become known for your specialty and passion.

7) Makes it easier to attract new clients.

8) But really, this has been the greatest benefit for me and can be for you as well!

There are studies out there that show writing brings clarity. Writing my books has helped me:

  • Clarify my most important specialty and calling
  • Declutter my practice of anything that does not aid my calling
  • Zero in on the most important ways to help my audience
  • Re-ignite my passion and bolster my self-confidence

And, I want the same for you.

I have found that writing brand-building books is the advanced strategy of the masters!

Oftentimes, it’s what makes entrepreneurs stand out. 

It’s the less-traveled road – the higher path. 

It may take patience, endurance, and determination, but the sacrifice of time and energy is well beyond worth it in the end – or at least those who have done it would agree.

So the question you should REALLY be asking yourself is…

Why not write a brand-building book?

Divya Parekh, ACC, CPC, LL, MS
Business Growth Strategist and Authority Positioning Advisor

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