Wednesday, March 26

Why we need to celebrate our Success – Monica Bradley

Monica Bradley is the founder and owner of award-winning mortgage broker, MB Associates, in Cheam, Surrey. She talks about the importance of celebrating success in business – even small daily victories.

When was the last time you celebrated some good news? For me, it’s a …….

regular occurrence and something I make a point of doing for the benefit of my team and my company. I have been working in financial services for over 30 years – I love my job and I’ve worked very hard to achieve my goals. Work is always busy, so it’s sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in conquering the day’s to-do-list, but it’s also important to take time out to celebrate achievements, especially with colleagues. It’s good for staff morale and also hugely important for general wellbeing, especially in these challenging times where anxiety levels have risen in the past 18 months.

In fact, when there’s bad news in the world, it’s easy to focus on the negatives and bring yourself down. Focusing on the positives will increase feelings of happiness. We certainly need something to feel good about right now. Since the pandemic, cases of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders have risen by 25 per cent worldwide*.

I have coped with the stresses and strains of the pandemic by focusing on helping my clients and growing my business. It’s easy to go into survival mode when things go wrong but focusing on growth rather than survival is a good strategy. I feel more in control of my business and my life when I’m making progress and pushing forwards, rather than reacting to the bad news in the media.

As a business owner, I know it’s not just about me. I always think of my staff and their mental wellbeing. Making them feel valued is a great way to keep them motivated and feeling good about themselves. Praise is underestimated – it doesn’t take much to acknowledge a job well done yet so many managers don’t do it.

Humans need to feel valued and respected by their colleagues and will perform at their best. Chat show Queen Oprah Winfrey has previously spoken about our need for validation. ‘The common denominator that I found in every single interview is we want to be validated,’ she once said. Oprah added that high-powered businesspeople and presidents have turned to her after an interview and said: ‘Was that OK?’ So even the most successful and powerful people in the world needed to hear they’d done a good job.

Apart from letting my staff know when they’ve performed well, here’s some other ways I seek to motivate and inspire my team…

I encourage them to work on their own terms

Some of my staff prefer to work from home, while others are keen to come into the office and be around like-minded colleagues. Where possible, I encourage them to work in the way that best suits them.

I don’t micro-manage

I’ve seen managers do this and I think it can be horribly destructive. People don’t like to think they are being treated like a child who needs to be constantly monitored. I make sure my staff are clear on what’s expected of them and then let them get on with it.

I welcome ideas and good initiative

For a business to continue to succeed, it’s important to have input from a variety of creative minds as everyone has different skills and abilities. I encourage my staff to share their ideas with me and their colleagues.

I provide ongoing training

I don’t expect my staff to know it all and if someone needs training in a certain area that will benefit their skills then I will be happy to arrange it for them. People and businesses benefit from a desire to continually improve.

I seek out new talent

I don’t always look for the most qualified or experienced person on paper – fresh talent in the form of young people with enthusiasm, positivity and a good work ethic is always welcome. A good attitude can go a long way.

I keep everyone up to date

When you work for a company, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day workload, but I believe in communicating with my staff and letting them know what’s going on in the business. My staff receive regular updates on what’s happening in terms of our performance, marketing strategy and plans for the future. This makes them feel part of a team and I think it’s important to share our goals and ambitions so that everyone is willing to pitch in and do their bit.

In short, celebrating success is so important because each celebration is like a milestone. It’s not about becoming complacent, thinking you know it all or patting yourself on the back for the sake of it. It’s about acknowledging how far you’ve come so that you can continue to achieve new goals. We all need to feel we’re making progress and moving forward.

I also like to celebrate with the occasional treat – I love clothes and fashion and will reward myself with a new item of clothing if I feel the urge. I think it’s important to have the occasional financial indulgence and I enjoy treating myself as well as others. I’ve been known to buy Champagne, chocolate, and other treats for the office, especially at the end of a busy and successful month. My content manager, who works remotely, has a passion for humus and Doritos so I always get some in when she comes to the office for a meeting. I am always happy to treat and reward my staff – they deserve it!

More Information

Monica Bradley is the founder of multiple award-winning mortgage broker MB Associates, which offers mortgages and financial protection as well as financial coaching workshops. For more information, visit or email Monica at


*Research from The University of Queensland’s School of Public Health, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

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